Ch 35

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Had I known such a secret about White Rotunia, I would never have mentioned it in front of Reyhas.

I quickly shook my head, feeling a chill down my spine.

"I had a dream."

Unlike sacred power that manifests suddenly, divine power is innate.

So if Ariel, who had no divine powers, said that she could see the light of White Rotunia, it would mean that she had sacred powers. And I was trying to block such attempts.

"A dream of the White Rotunia swaying in the wind with a pure white light."

I knew he wasn't a man to be fooled by cliché excuses.

"So for a moment, I thought it really glowed softly."

But my acting skills were improving day by day.

"It's the moonlight."

I wished it would be a full moon, but since it was a crescent moon, it was somewhat disappointing, so I made a sorrowful expression.

His deep gaze was still directed at me.

"Is it just my illusion that you made up an excuse in a hurry?"

Reyhas said, twisting his lips.

He already knew everything, and I wondered for a moment if I was in his hands.

But I answered in the guise of nonchalance,

"I've been wanting to be a real saint all along, so what's the point of lying?"

Ariel in the book envied and admired Camilla, the real saint.

If she could be a real saint, she would have given her soul.


Reyhas' eyes stared at me tenaciously.

I added words to avoid his suspicion,

"If you really think I've developed divine powers, there's a way to check."

The central temple had a huge Holy Sphere, which allowed us to read those with divine powers.

Now was the time to enter the temple annex.

This was kind of risky for me too, but it was my last struggle to avoid interrogations related to being a real saint.


He opened his mouth a long time later,

"I'd rather be mistaken. What you look like these days is different from before."

I winced inwardly at his words.

"You see, it's getting harder and harder to control myself."

His golden eyes shone brightly in the dark.

"It's the first time I've seen anything like this..."

What first time and what's hard to control?

And why did Reyhas, who was also in charge of warmth in the original book, become such a decadent character?

"Tomorrow morning, come to the annex before the opening of the temple."

I thought he was done speaking, but he parted his lips again and spoke.

His cold, dangerous eyes were pointing at me.

"We need to confirm it as Ariel said."

In my head, there was a bell ringing to signal danger. I felt heavy as if I had shackles on my ankles.

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