Bubble Guppies Reaunited Again (Part 1)

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It has been years since this group has been disbanded. They havent seen each other since Kindergarden. It seems like that is part of growing up. But ... personal ties or not easy to break free. They knew it was more than anything, thats why it hurt so much the day they seperated. The group was not just friends, they formed a family. But ... life's twist can heppen when we least expect them. 

It all start on a sunny morning in their hometown. In this moment we will be focused on our 1st protagonist. It was Molly. Now she is a teenager a preparing to go to High School. It was her 1st day of class. 

Molly! Its getting late. Your going to be late! Her Mother called her.

Yeah! I dont want to miss my first day in kindergarden. Mia said (Molly little sister) 

Okay, I'm coming Molly said as she just finished grooming.

Now her mother is driving and she stopped in BubbleTucky high school entrance.

Are you nervous for you first day, Honey? Molly's Mother asked

Emmm a little, yes. Its a big change Molly confessed

Dont worry daughter, you will see how high school life will be like. Many suprises will happen at this stage of life. Molly's Mother said

I hope so. Molly said 

Okay then, have a nice day darling! Her mother kissed her in the forehead

Thanks mom, see you mom, see you Mia. Molly said

Bye sis!

After that they left and she was all alone at the entrance of the building. Molly was very nervous. She didn't know anyone, but Molly was trying to be optimistic. The first hour of the day was limited to a meeting of all high school students. There were different students of different species crabs, lobster, fish, etc. Everyone was talking about random things but Molly wax quiet. In this moment a crab decided to talk.

Welcome everybody in bubbletucky high school. I have the honor to introduce Principle Duncan. The male crab said. The director was a female snail. She had a impecable uniform, little glasses, black hair and a very serious look.

She looks strict. Molly thought

Good morning students, teachers and all personel. Welcome to this new school year. Most of you are new to high school. I will tell you that this will not be like school. Both academic and social challenges will be greater than you were children. Now you are teens you must try harder than ever. No one will easily approve them. And in my school disipline is a priority. I dont want to know that one of you ends up in my office. Thanks for you attention. The director explained. Everyone applauded for that speech. 

(*Gulps*, she is scary. I hope my classmates and teachers are better) Molly thought nervously.

Fortunatly, teachers and classmates were nothing out of the ordinary. Everyone was with their daily activities. We cannot deny she was attracting certain boys.

Some girls were jealous of Molly. Lets look at one of them.

Have you heard of that new girl Jane? A lobster asked

Who? This year many new girls have arrived, be more specific. Ordered Jane

That...... hmmm........ Molly. She is attracting everyones attention. A crab girl said

What?! What does she have thats striking? Asked Jane

Well. It seems she is nice to everyone. She is smart and also cute. Some guys have even peeked at her. Explained the lobster girl

Bubble Guppies Teen Years Season: 1Where stories live. Discover now