FINAL: The Aftermath

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"Quick! Hurry! We are losing the patient!"

"Low vital signs. Hurry!"

"Hold on a little longer! You'll be fine"

"Come on! Come on!"

Those screams came from the paramedics carrying their patient on their emergency stretcher. Those were tense minutes for the guppies. We are in the hospital and for now we can only see the four guppies: Goby, Deema, Oona and Nonny. The first couple were just silent. They seemed concerned, but they comforted themselves in silence. Oona looked more scared, but luckily Nonny comforted her. At that moment several people entered the corridor. They were Molly's parents, Mia, Gil's mother, and Mr. Grouper. They all looked concerned.

"Guys, are you okay?" Mr. Grouper asked worriedly. The guppies nodded in silence.

"Where is our daughter?" Molly's parents asked.

"Where is my sis? Where?" Mia asked loudly. She wanted to cry.

"My little Gil, where is he?" Gil's mom asked.

"Guys, what happened?" Mr. Grouper asked again. None of the four guppies wanted to talk about what happened. But one of them got up and decided to speak.

"Well...Mr, Grouper...." It was Nonny. He started to explain what happened.


"One more warning, give up and no one will get hurt" The commander ordered.

"Do you think you scare me? Hahahaha I don't mind dying ... I just want to ... KILL HER!" She pointed her gun at Molly.

"NOOO!" The guppies gasped.

"Don't try it!" The officer shouted.


And at that moment, she decided to pull the trigger and her gun fired. The guppies were scared, especially Molly because the crazy woman pointed it at her. Molly just felt someone push her to the side and she fell to the ground. She looked again and saw something very difficult to handle. It was her own boyfriend Gil who pushed her to avoid receiving the bullet. But he didn't have time and the shot hit him in the belly. Everything was slow for her and she only saw how Gil fell to the ground after being shot.

"GIL!" The four guppies shouted worried.

"NOOO! GILLY!" Molly screamed and she approached him "Please! Don't die!"

" least....We...saved you" Gil said weakly.

"No...No no no no. I didn't want this. Not my Gil!" Jane said shocked. But somebody took the gun from her and subdued her.

"You are under arrest!" One of the police officers said "Agent Ramirez, call a team of paramedics immediately. We have a young wounded"

"Yes, sir!"

"Gil, resist! They will call help" Goby said worriedly.

"Don't die. You are too young for this!" Deema added dramatically and worried.

"Do not leave us!" Oona was very sad.

"Help is on the way, hold on friend!" Nonny said.

"Gilly...Don't leave me! I love you!" She started to cry.

" all of you...Ugh" Gil was too weak to speak.

"Shhh. Do not waste strength. You are going to live, just resist more!" Molly cried.

Back to the present

"Oh no" The adults gasped.

"And my sis?!" Mia asked desperately.

Bubble Guppies Teen Years Season: 1Where stories live. Discover now