Meetings and Secrets

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It had been a few days since the Bubble Guppies reunited after so many years. As I said, they want to go out together to make up for all the time lost. The girls had agreed to meet at Molly's house for a "girls sleepover". The boys also decided to make their own plans. They planned to do a marathon night of movies and video games. Both groups planned it for Friday, so they would have no problems with the next day. So we'll see how each gang spend the night.

Girls side.

Deema and Oona came to Molly's house together with some things like their sleeping bags. Of course Molly went out to meet them.

"Hi, girls!" Molly said.

"Hello there!" Deema said.

"Thanks for the invitation, Molly" Oona said.

"Whatever for my old friends" Molly answered. She let them into her house and asked them to feel comfortable.

"Hey, Molly! Do you have something planned tonight?" Deema asked.

"Well, we can do a lot of things. We can do a karaoke" Molly proposed.

"Ohhh I love karaoke! I would dare to dance like old times. What do you said?" Deema added.

"Nice!" The two girls said.

"We can watch some movies too" Oona commented.

"All right! Here we go!" Deema shouted.

The girls had a good time together. They decided to watch some drama and romance movies. Then all three decided to do karaoke. Some songs were the ones that they sang in the past with the Bubble Guppies (You can imagine what songs were) and others were songs that were a little bit more current.

"Hahahaha I remember the day when we opened a restaurant" Deema said.

"That was a good day!" Oona added.

"Yeah. I miss that days" Molly said a little sad

"But Molly, we can do new memories now that we are together. The six of us" Oona confronted her.

"By the way, we are forgetting one interesting topic" Deema said with a mischievous gaze.

"Huh?" Molly and Oona didn't get it.

"Come on! Let's talk about the boys" Deema said.

"What is wrong with them?" Oona asked.

"Nothing...just....You cannot deny it, you have to accept that the boys ... have changed ... and it is a good change ... They are more attractive" Deema said mischievous smile. Molly and Oona blushed a bit.

"Well.....I can not lie. Gilly is very handsome now" Molly said nervous.

"Hey! Do you still like Gil?" Deema asked.

"Wh..what?!" Molly blushed.

"Please, you two always walked together and even hugged since kindergarten" Deema explained.

"'s just friendly things!" Molly answered.

"Well. Your expression doesn't help much, friend" Oona added. Molly just sighed.

"Okay.....I like him a lot. It hurt a lot the day I stopped seeing him. And always dreamed of seeing him again. And now that we meet again, I don't know what to do" Molly explained.

"AAAHHHHHHH" Deema and Oona shouted like fangirls "WE KNEW IT! WE KNEW IT!

"Yeah yeah...stop, girls" Molly ordered "And what about you two? What do you think of the boys?"

Bubble Guppies Teen Years Season: 1Where stories live. Discover now