Nonny's First Kiss (Part 2)

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Since nothing very important happened after the boys discussed a plan so Nonny could win Oona's heart. We will skip until the next day. The boys got up before the girls. Thus, Gil and Goby were able to start with a change of appearance for Nonny. They went to a hairdresser for a new haircut for something cooler. They managed to get some new glasses for Nonny. Sunglasses with the magnification Nonny needs to see well. Another change is that they recommended that he not wear a shirt on the beach.

"Are you sure this look attracts Oona's attention?" Nonny asked nervously

"Trust us, Nonny! You look cooler. Impossible that she doesn't notice you" Gil answered very confident.

"Remember, Nonny. This is only part of the plan" Goby added. Nonny just nodded. The boys decided to search for the girls who were ready for another fun day at the beach. Especially since that same day they have to go home. As they walked, Nonny noticed that some girls were already rolling their eyes at him.

"It is strange. Many girls are looking at me, do I have something?" Nonny asked.

"Your new look ... is taking effect. I don't doubt that Oona will do the same" Gil commented.

Finally, they meet them.

"Hi, girls! Sorry for be later. We are busy things" Gil escused with a fake smile.

"Don't worry, Gilly" Molly said. They looked a little surprised.

"Emmmm....hello?" Nonny asked.

"Wow! That's a nice change, Nonners" Deema said.

"No..No..Nonny!...It's you?" Oona asked shocked. Nonny just nodded "Yo...You...look....spectacular" Oona and Nonny blushed. The scene was a little tender, if only a CERTAIN person had not arrived.

"Hello beautiful! You all look good today" Chase arrived. He was referring to the girls. Gil and Goby made annoying glances while Nonny continued as he normally was "Hey, Oona! It is very hot in here. Would you like to go with me to cool off a little at sea? It will be fun"

"Ummmm...sure...Why not?" Oona answered. Those two went to have fun together. In a kind of "date" or something. Nonny was disappointed again.

"(sigh) Not even a makeover is enough" Nonny said sadly.

"Hey! Don't give up so soon" Goby commented.

"Yeah....We still have plans B, C and D" Gil said.

"Guys.....I understand that your intentions are good ... but I also don't want to pretend something that I am not. I want Oona to notice me for who I really am and not what I appear to be" Nonny was prepared to left them.

"What are you thinking to do?" Gil asked confused.

"Something I have to do alone. That Chase has something ... that I don't like.....Don't follow me" Nonny said that before he left the place to find Oona and Chase.

"What was that all about? Don't tell me that Nonny ..." Molly asked.

"Is in love with Oona....Ummmm....Kinda" Gil completed her sentence.

"In other words, yes" Goby added.

"Seriously? Oh oh ... I didn't know. I shouldn't have told Oona to date Chase if I had known" Deema was a little worried.

"I do not like this. I don't know what Nonny intends to do. We should go find him" Goby proposed.

"Yeah!" The rest said.

"And another thing ... Girls, that Chase is not as handsome as he seems" Gil said. Obviously he looked jealous.

"Oohhh Gilly. Are you jealousy?" Molly asked joking him. He just crossed his arms blushed.

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