Gaining Your Trust (Part 1)

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There are various types of relationships. Some are very affectionate, others not so much. Regardless of the type of romantic relationship, what matters is mutual love. There are also couples ... peculiar. This is the case of Molly and Gil. One day, they both wanted to do something different at one of their lunches together. They were at Gil's house at the time. They were both preparing something in the kitchen.

"Gilly, are you sure about this? Have you ever made homemade pizza? We should look for help on the internet" Molly asked worried.

"Don't worry, Molly. I have everything under control. The pizza is done. It just need to stay a few minutes in the oven and everything will be fine" Gil smirked. But in this moment.

"...Emmm Gil.....something is burning" Molly smelled.

"Oh no. Nononononono...The pizza!" Gil gasped. Gil quickly turns off the oven and wears oven mitts to pull out the pizza that was now black from long high heat "Gosh...Not now! Ugh...What luck is mine" Molly giggled a little.

"Well....At least we tried. We better order pizza before you decide to eat the burned pizza" Molly used her cellphone to order a pizza.

Half an hour later the delivery man arrived and then the couple enjoyed the "normal" lunch. At that moment, Gil noticed that his girlfriend was a little distracted. Gil decides to break the awkward silence.

"Is something wrong with you, Molly? You are distracted. What happen?" Gil asked worried.

"Gil, we have to talk something important" Molly said. At that moment, Gil felt the true terror. Usually when someone says the phrase: We have to talk. It doesn't usually mean anything good.

"Molly ... is it a bad thing? Whenever girls say that it means bad things. I swear I haven't noticed anyone else, I just want you" Gil said that quickly.


"If it's because of the failure of the pizza I swear I'll improve next time" Gil started to get hysterical.


"Very good. I recognize that our dates are a mess, but I do my best to make a normal date" Gil continued to say random things until...

"Gil Gordon! Can you let me speak for a moment?" Molly was bothered buy she calmed down. Gil just nodded his head "What I've been trying to tell you is that our relationship has progressed well. And that's why I wanted to propose something to you. I want us to take the next step" This caused Gil to turn red as a tomato.

"WHAT?!...Molly, I....I....I don't think I'm ready for this....Do you really want to do "that"?" Gil asked nervously. Molly understood this.

"Oh...No, Gilly! I did not mean "that"!" Molly blushed too.

"So what do you mean?" Gil calmed a little.

"I want to formally introduce you to my family as my official boyfriend" Molly proposed.

"Molly, your mom and younger sister already know me. I do not understand" Gil said confused.

"It is true. But I want to introduce you to my grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins ... and ... (sigh) and maybe finally introduce you to my dad" Molly said sadly that last sentence.

"Your dad? You have never told me about him" Gil was more confused.

"Sorry, Gil. It is that he ... is almost not much at home. He works all the time. But I know something. This weekend my family will go to my grandfather's house. It's a family party and I want you to come with me. There you can meet my entire family" Molly explained.

"Mmmm okay. I will go. I want to meet your family. Since in theory I'm from your family ... or at least I will be in the future" He said that with a mischievous smile

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