Bubble Guppies Reaunited Again (Part 2)

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It was already noon. And half of the Bubble guppies were already gathered. Gil, Molly and Goby decided to look for the rest of the gang that could be in the same high school. This could take a long time because of how big the institute was and because of the large number of students in the school. While they kept searching, we will emphasize another character. She was in the high school auditorium.

"What is the meaning of life? Be born? Grow up? To die? No, I have always believed that life goes beyond that. Living is a maximum expression of art. We are only actors in the theater of life. Fate is the director of this play called life. It is usually cruel but fair. It can be as joyous as a fairy tale ending. You know, the "they lived happily ever after". But it can also be such a tragic Shakespearean ending. We can laugh, but we can cry too. There is joy but also mourning. But in the end, that's the way life is. A sweet and sour dish" A girl said that while she was auditioning for the school theater. She had huge blonde curly hair. She was a great actress. You know who was she.

"Bravo! That's what I wanted to hear. Your way of speaking, your acting, your passion and the intensity of your dialogue. I definitely need someone like you in the theater group" A lobster said. He seemed to be the director of the theater club "Remind me of your name please"

"Deema, Deema Wahler, sir"

"All right, Deema. You are inside. Welcome to the Bubble Tucky High School Drama Club. I hope you like being here. We will be rehearsing for future works. We will be communicating the details" The lobster said.

"Thank you very much for everything, director" Deema said very happily. Some time later, another guppy approached her. He was a redhead male guppy with green and yellow stripes in his tail.

"Congratulations, Deema! I knew you would make it" The new guy said.

"Thanks, James! Thanks for giving me the opportunity" Deema said with a smile.

"Hehehe It's nothing to thank. What is the use of acting if I don't have my best partner with me" James said giving her another smile.

"Oh James. How nice it is to have a friend from school with me" Deema confessed.

"I say the same, friend. Well (sigh) I have to go. Bye, Deema!"

"Bye, James!"

"And don't forget my phrase: "The world's a stage, and all men and women are mere actors" James said.

"Hey! Stop stealing the phrases from Shakespeare! hahaha" Deema said it laughing.

" What do you want me to say, precious. I am a good actor" He said that playfully. Then he left.

Deema left the auditorium unaware that she would collide with a small group.

"Hey! Look where you are going!" Deema complained.

"Is that how you treat your old friends, friend?" One of them said that.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Deema said that before she saw the group. She recognized them instantly "I'm not imagining things. Right?"

"Nope" Gil said with Molly and Goby with him.

"It can not be possible! Gil! Molly! Goby!" Deema said that very happily. She hugged everybody with some tears in her eyes. "I MISSED YOU ALL THIS TIME! BUAAAAAA"

"You haven't lost your dramatic personality, friend" Molly giggled.

"Yup, definitely that she" Goby said rolled his eyes in a funny way.

"Okay, maybe I exaggerated a little"Deema said wiping away her tears "Many years have passed. We should catch up guys"

"And we will, Deema. But for now we are looking for the missing others" Molly said.

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