Lost Memories (Part 1)

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Hi, and btw before we continue the store shoutout to @ReaderandWriter9000 because he made this book in facfiction.net. Here is his account: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/8471069/ReaderandWriter9000 so anyways lets continue with the story!

Just as we can have good experiences, we can have terrible experiences. Moments in which nobody would like to be. This ... is the case today. We can see Goby very worried in the hospital. He didn't look calm at all. At one point, a couple of adult guppies and a couple of children arrived. They were Deema's parents and the two twin brothers.

"Goby, we receive your messages. What happened?" Deema's mother asked.

"Yeah, what happened to my girl?" Deema's father added.

"Well...A car hit Deema. A very inconsiderate driver. She managed to push me out of the way. Didn't give her time to save herself" Goby was worried. Deema's family gasped.

"(sigh) At least she was lucky you were there. You are a trustworthy boy. I appreciate you calling the ambulance" Deema's father said.

"I hope she will be okay. The paramedics have not told me anything since we arrived" Goby explained. In this moment, some people arrived.


"Guys! You are here" Goby felt a little relief.

"We know what happened" Molly said.

"How is she?" Oona asked worried.

"(sigh) I don't know. They didn't said anything about her status" Goby was sad.

"Patience! We must wait. It's the only thing we can do" Nonny said.

"Don't worry, friend. I think she will be okay" Gil tried to comfort Goby.

"I hope so" Goby sighted.

Several minutes of silence passed. The guppies were also concerned about Deema. She is their friend. They were trying to calm Goby and Deema's family a little. They appreciated that Deema had good friends who cared about her. Finally, a doctor appeared to give them new news.

"How is Deema, doctor?" Goby asked first. The rest followed him.

"Well....The situation was complicated for us since she had blows to the head. It was probably when she fell to the ground after she was hit by the car. But luckily, she is already stable. Only a few tests are missing and we will leave her to rest in the hospital and in a few days she will be able to leave" The doctor explained. Everybody was a little happy.

"Can we see her?" Deema's father asked.

"Mmmm okay. Be quiet. I have to do the last test. Follow me" The doctor said. They went to Deema's hospital room. She opened her eyes confused a little.

"Ugh....my head" She complained.

"Deema!" The guppies shouted. The doctor silenced them.

"Well....How do you feel, Deema?" The doctor asked.

"Deema? That is my name?" Deema asked confused. Bubble Guppies and Deema's family started to worry.

"Ejem....Tell me about yourself" The doctor asked.

"Let me think!...Mmmmm....I'm Deema....Deema Wahler.....They are my parents and my little brothers" Deema tried very hard remembering those things.

"Do you have memories of your family?" The doctor asked.

"Mmmmm no. I only know that they are my parents and they are my younger brothers. But I don't remember things about them" Deema confessed "Doctor, can I ask something?"

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