Teamwork Misfortune (Part 1)

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A new week of school had begun. The Bubble Guppies were excited to see each other once again. Better still when after several messes with the schedules and the groups, they realized that the six would be in the same class. From the first day of school, Gil and Molly started coming and going together from home to school and back. Thus, the six met in the classroom that would be their first class that day. The teacher was not yet, there are still 10 minutes to start.

"UGH... Having known that the teacher had not yet arrived. I would have slept more" Gil said a little annoyed.

"Don't be so irresponsible, Gil. Punctuality is important" Molly said rolling her eyes.

"You should listen to her. The last time you were late you were begging the language teacher to let you in" Goby added with a smile. The rest started to laugh

"Hey! That only happened once!" Gil said annoyed.

"One of several times" Deema corrected. The rest still laughed until the teacher arrived. She was a lobster with a brown wig.

"Good morning, everybody" The teacher said.

"Good morning, Mis. Michigan" Everyone answered.

"Today we will start with an important topic. It will be important both for the exam and for life" Mis. Michigan said.

"(Ahh..Here we go again!)" Gil thought very boring.

A few minutes passed as the teacher explained a rather ... interesting topic. It seems to be something important and a little ... traumatic?

"And this is how babies are made in general" The teacher ended her explanation.

"Ruined childhood" Deema commented.

"Please. We already knew that. Not only in class do you see that" One random student said that.

"You are right about that. But although everything that most of you have seen is not everything. You must understand the enormous responsibility that can carry" The teacher said.

"Huh?" Some students looked confused.

"And that is precisely the task that I will leave you at this moment" Ms. Michigan took a basket and showed the students that there were some eggs in it.

"What are we going to do with all those eggs? Will we make a huge omelette?" Gil asked. His friend giggled a little.

"Hehehe no, Gil. All of you will have to take care of an egg throughout this coming week. You must treat the egg as if it were a baby as if it were your child. That will be an experiment for you to understand paternal and maternal responsibilities" The teacher explained.

"This is ridiculous. This homework seems like school" One student said.

"Mmmm you're right. I should send them another assignment. A report of no less than 10 pages on all parental and maternal responsibilities" The teacher said maliciously. Students react immediately.

"THE EGG! THE EGG! PLEASE!" All the class shouted.

"(Mmmm I have no problem making that report)" Nonny thought.

"Very good. This work will be done in pairs. A boy and a girl sharing the roles of father and mother respectively. You can choose your partners" Ms. Michigan offered.

"(Yes. It will be the perfect excuse to have Gil by my side for an entire week)" Jane thought somewhat wickedly. But it seems that someone got into her plans.

"Hey, Gilly! Do you want to be my partner?" Molly asked first.

"Of course, Molly!" Gil answered with a smile in his face.

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