Lost Memories (Part 3)

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During the following days, the group tried to spend more time with Deema so that she is not with James. Most of the time they succeeded, but others did not. Luckily for the guppies, in those days they made good progress.

"Something new?" Nonny asked.

"Well....yeah.....She already remembers Gil and she's already trying to remember Oona" Molly reported.

"Nothing about me, I imagine" Goby asked. Molly just signed.

"She already remembers three of us. I do not think it's difficult. Or am I wrong?" Oona asked.

"Well, I don't want to be pessimistic, but it will be difficult for Deema to remember Goby" Nonny confessed.

"Can you explain me?" Goby asked confused.

"Unlike the others, James changed her image of you and replaced it with another. The one that James wanted" Nonny explained. The rest still confused "In other words, James told her lies about Goby and not about us"

"And what can we do about it?" Gil asked.

"Mmmmm...I can only think of one thing ... but Goby has to do it alone" Nonny analized.

"I will do anything for her. What do I have to do, Nonny?" Goby was determined.

"Well..... The only option I can think of is ... you have to make Deema fall in love with you again" Nonny proposed.

"I did it once, and I will do it again" Goby said.

"That's the spirit, buddy!" Gil shouted excited.

"And I have an advantage, I already know about her. I know what she likes" Goby smirked.

So Goby started flirting with Deema. He started to approach her like a friend, but she was a little uncomfortable. Since she continues to believe that he is her ex. For some strange reason, she felt strange when she was around Goby. He visited her with gifts and cute details. Goby had a hard time convincing her to date a little, since she believed James was her partner. But she accepted since it was a "friendly date". They both went to a cafeteria, the same one we know. They asked for coffee and sandwiches.

"Mmmmm delicious" Deema smiled.

"It is one of the best cafes in the city" Goby commented.

"And in that you are not mistaken. Hey, to be my ex, you are so nice. Remind me why we broke up?" Deema asked.

"Well...." Goby was thinking that he could tell her. Since they never actually broke up, it was all James's fault altering memories of her after the accident "We better not think about the past. What is in the past is past and what matters is the present, right?"
"You're right. For friends?" Deema raised her cup of coffee.

"For friends" Goby raised his cup too.

Strange as it seemed, Deema did enjoy Goby's company. Although her memories of him are somewhat distorted. He decided to accompany her home.

"Thank you for accompanying me to my house. You are very kind" Deema said.

"It is not a nuisance. For me, you have never been a nuisance" Goby said nicely.

"Hehehe. Well.....I have to go home....See you" Deema was going to go home, but Goby stopped her holding her hand. She blushed slightly, but was confused "Huh?"

"Sorry, Deema......But I can't hide what I feel for you" At that moment, Goby took Deema's face and kissed her on the lips for a few seconds. Deema was surprised. She ... felt something.

"I...I...I....Good Bye!" Deema left him alone.

"(sigh) That was so stupid" Goby facepalmed to himself.

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