Entangled Between Threads (Part 2)

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Several days passed and the situation does not improve for our blue-haired friend. Gil has dramatically changed his attitude. He stopped being that outgoing, fun and happy boy. Now he only pretended to be, when in reality he was suffering. Many times he would cry in his solitude. He was alone. His girlfriend had forbidden him to see his friends. He had put them aside on her orders. And if he didn't obey, she would hit him. Or worse, she could ruin his life.

On a rainy day, Gil decided to leave his home alone. He put on a gray hooded sweater and walked out, not caring much about the rain. Anyway, it wasn't that much. He just wanted to be alone. Well, he could only be with Jane and let's say that he no longer felt comfortable with her company. He went to a cafeteria that he used to visit frequently since he got depressed. That's right, Gil was depressed. A waiter approached where Gil was to take his order.

"Good morning, young man. What do you want to order this time?" The waiter asked.

"The usual, a cup of black coffee" Gil answered without see him.

"Just that? Gil, you should eat more. Look at you, you've lost weight and not in a good way" The waiter recommend. It seems the waiter knew him. Gil was a frequent customer since "that day".

"Just ... bring me the damn coffee" Gil replied raising the tone of his voice. But then he calmed down a little. "Sorry....I'm a little....tired"

"Do not worry about it. I'll bring it to you right away" The waiter answered very quiet. He went away to bring him his order. Gil sighted.

"What should I do? I am alone, and nobody will believe me ... I think ... that there is only one option ..." Gil said that sadly. At that moment he had a drastic thought that could end his suffering once and for all. But someone sat at his table. He noticed who that person was.

"Gilly?...it's you?" She was Molly.

"N..no....I think you have the wrong person" Gil answered quickly. He was covering his face a little with his hood.

"Gil....I know it's you. That ... face is unmistakable" Molly answered nervous. Gil was looking the place desperately with his eyes. She understood his body language "It's okay, Gilly. She isn't here. She isn't here".

"How do you know where I was? I didn't say anything to you or the guys" Gil asked confused.

"Well....I have my methods" Molly smiled looking to the waiter. The same one who was attending to Gil. The waiter arrived with two cups of coffee. It seemed that she also asked for one.

"Here are your cups of coffee. I hope you enjoy" The waiter said.

"Thanks!" Molly said. Gil was silent. The waiter left them to continue his job "He's a friend of my family"

"I see him often when I come here" Gil answered. They were silent for a long time.

"Gil.....I know something is bothering you. You look very sad, thinner and tired. What's the matter with you? Here is just you and me. Nobody else. Neither the guppies nor Jane. Just you and me. You can trust me" Molly asked worried. Gil stayed quiet "Gil ... if you are suffering, I also suffer. You are important to me and I cannot bear to see you like this" He had just had his cup of coffee and drank a little. Finally, he confessed.

"(sigh) I'm unhappy, Molly. I stopped seeing my friends and you because of Jane. I thought she loved me, but she just likes to use me. She just wants me to be with her and do what she wants. She wants to control EVERYTHING I do" Gil answered very sad.

"But that is not love. It is control and suffering" Molly added "Why don't you break up with her?"

"I tried. But if I do ... Oh no ... I can't tell anyone" He answered that a little scared.

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