A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (Part 3)

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It was the height of Goby's patience. Normally Goby is a calm boy, but seeing everything that James prepared to separate him from Deema so he could stay with her was unforgivable. He decided to look for the rest of his friends to finally explain what had happened. From the time he met him to the incident with Deema.

"Are you sure of what you're saying?" Oona asked.

"I'm very sure. That subject is the only one capable of planning this. He knows how I feel about Deema" Goby said that. The rest were silent for a long time until one of them decided to speak.

"I believe you, friend. I know how it feels that nobody believes you because of someone else's fault" Gil confessed remembering his nightmare with Jane.

"If that's true, we have problems. That James then must be a very intelligent and calculating person" Nonny commented.

"You're right. He planned it very well. Deema won't believe me until I get hard evidence" Goby said sadly.

"Brilliant. Another manipulator to deal with. We stopped Jane, we will do the same with James" Molly said.

"I don't think it's possible to do it again. James is more cautious than Jane. Also, Deema trusts him" Goby said.

"Mmmmmm cautious? You must have seen something. Any idea how he did it?" Nonny asked.

"Obviously he didn't do it alone. He had help. They must have been his friends" Goby said.

"Help? Hehehehe I have a idea. How to stop a deceiver? With a much greater deception" Gil proposed.

"And now what crazy idea do you have in your head, Gilly?" Molly asked not very convinced.

"For the first time in my life, I am very confident about this plan. The first thing you have to do is ... " Gil started to explain his crazy plan to stop James.

Meanwhile, James and Deema were sitting on a bench on the college campus.

"What happens? You don't look very good" James asked. She sighted.

"I think ... I should have let Goby explain himself" Deema confessed sadly.

"Why do you say that? He didn't even bother to let you know before" James said starting to be nervous. But still, keeping his posture.

"Because I know him since childhood. He would never do that on purpose. He must have an explanation for what happened last night. I should have let him speak but ... I just didn't" Deema explained.

"He....hit me! Doesn't that matter?" James said.

"I can not take this. I have to speak to him immediately" Deema said that.

"Why? Why do you care about someone who doesn't interest you?" James tried to convinced her like he usually do with everybody.

"Because....I love him. He is important to me and deep down I know he cares about me. We just have to talk calmly and everything will be resolved between us" Those words started to hurt James's pride a little.

"I don't think it's a good idea. Chances are he doesn't want to see you. He did not look very comfortable since the incident" James invented that excuse. But in this moment, a message reached Deema's cell phone. Was Goby's

Goby: Hi, Deema! Look, I know I spoil everything. I want to apologize for my attitude a few hours ago. I was upset at the time. But I'd like to talk about it after school in the cafeteria we went to yesterday. I would like to clear things up and not let this ruin our friendship.

Deema: Hi, Goby! Sure, I'd like to talk to you about it. We can talk calmer. See you there.

"And what do you plan to do?" James asked.

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