Hidden Sorrow (Part 1)

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It seems that things have improved. Deema has successfully regained her memory and is back to being the same outgoing and fun girl as ever. The group's love relationships were going well. Everyone was fine since the last incident ... at least ... it seems. Today we will focus on the quietest guppy of the six. Yes, I'm talking about Nonny.

He was quiet at home reading a few books. That relaxed him a little. At that time, he noticed that a text message came to him on his cell phone. It was Oona, his girlfriend. He decided to check what she needed.


Oona: Hi, Nonny!

Nonny: Hi, sweetie pie!

Oona: Hehe...I wanted to ask you if we can go out on a date together today.

Nonny: Sorry, sweetie. But I can not. I am busy with some homework. Maybe another day.

Oona: Okay? Nonny, we have the same school assignments. As I remember we don't have that many

Nonny: Well.....I got a little behind with my homeworks. I was helping Deema and Gil to study. Remember?

Oona: You're right. Sorry. Good luck. I know those tasks will be easy for you. You are the smartest and cutest boy I know.

Nonny: Thanks, Oona. I'm a little busy. I love you. See you.

Oona: I love you too. See you.

Checking the last message on his cell phone, Nonny regretted saying that to his girlfriend. He wanted to date her that day, but he knows he couldn't. And it wasn't because of homework, since that wasn't difficult for someone like Nonny. There was something else there, but what was it?

Not long afterward at school, the boys met for one of their typical recess talks.

"Hey Goby! What do you think if after school we go to my house to play video games? I have to sweep the floor with you" Gil proposed.

"I accept the challenge. We will see which of us is the best" Goby smirked.

"You are not excluded in this, Nonny. Do you want to go play with us? You are very good. It will be a challenge to play against you" Gil asked.

"Yeah. Come on" Goby added.

"Sorry guys, but I can not go. I have many things to do at home" Nonny answered quietly.

"Please, Nonny. Do you really have so many things to do?" Gil asked.

"Really, buddy. It won't be the same without you" Goby added.

"I will be very busy. Do not worry about me. You guys can have a good time without me" Nonny answered again.

"(sigh) Okay. If you have no problems, that's fine" Gil said not very convinced.

This would not be the last time Nonny would turn down an offer to be with his friends. Another time Molly, Deema and Nonny had come out of a class and were talking to each other.

"Today we can go to the Shopping Center to buy a few things and eat something. What do you say?" Deema proposed exciting.

"Sounds good for me. Do you want to go with us, Nonny? It would be a good idea to have a male opinion with us" Molly asked.

"And why don't you ask your boyfriends?" Nonny asked confused.

"Gilly can't stand spending time in stores" Molly giggled a little.

"And Goby told me that he will be busy helping his dad" Deema added.

"Maybe a next time, girls. I'm busy in these days" Nonny answered and left them. The girls were not convinced of what Nonny was saying to them.

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