Chapter 11 - Deceiving Faces

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Regaining my consciousness, I blink my eyes a few times to see I was on Ed's lap... I probably shouldn't get up since I know I'll fall right back down from being light headed. So I wait a couple minutes before attempting to get up.

Ed: Take it easy.

Me: How did you know I was..?

Ed: It's rather easy actually. Your breathing pattern changed.

Me: Hmph I see.

I move up from him and sat beside him, holding the floor to keep balance.

Me: Who knew a dog could have such an impact.

Ed: Now you know how I feel for the past week.

Me: Yeah yeah, but you fell on me too.

Ed: Haha yeah you got your point.

I nod and tried not holding the ground, but sadly I start to loose balance. So back to holding the ground I guess.

Me: Seems like I need to do some training.

Ed: You? training? I thought you did already?

Me: Nope.

Ed: Well it looks like it when you fight.

Me: I guess that's from some of the things I earned money for...

Ed: What did you do?

Sounding concerned.

Me: It's nothing serious, I just did some street fights...

Ed: Um not a big deal, that's a big deal Clare.

Me: Well it did help me out with my financial issues when I couldn't make enough... Well somewhat.

I look to my stomach, remembering the unhealed cut I got from a guy stabbing me with a rusty knife during a match. I was lucky it wasn't fatal.

Ed: Why are you looking at your stomach?

Me: Just remembering stuff.

Ed: Something happened to you one time, didn't it?

Me: And it's none of your concern since it's the past.

I stand up walking to a bookshelf in front of us.

Ed: And what if it effects the future?

Me: It shouldn't.

Ed gets up beside me.

Ed: You never know.

Me: It's okay.

I look to my stomach again, but I did remember it bringing pain when we were coming back to East City.

Ed: Your face says other wise. What happened?

I sit back down and he sits in front of me.

Me: Well... During a fight I was winning, a guy decided to be cheap and stabbed me in the stomach. Luckily though it wasn't fatal, but I didn't expect it to still bring me pain... It still hurts time to time, but I guess it's not fully healed just quite yet.

Ed: When did this happen?

Me: The night before Mustang recruited me.

Ed: So not long ago then?

I shook my head and lifted my shirt a little to show him the medical wrap I wrapped myself with.

Ed: Did you at least go see a doctor?

Me: Yeah I did that night, but they simply just stitched it up, gave me a shot of something, and wrapped the wound with medical wrap... That's all.

Ed: Hmm well you're not over doing yourself for a while okay?

Me: I can still.

Ed: Clare. Me and Al got your back.

Me: But.

Ed: No buts.

Me: Ugh fine.

I lean against the wall and felt my stomach. Why did that guy have to stab me?

On the way back home that night, Ed wouldn't stop starring at my wound. I swear now he's switch from friend mode to more of a bodyguard/doctor mode within those seconds I told him what happened. 

I have a feeling he's gonna make me stay in his room so that he can keep an "eye" on me...

Ed: Clare?

Me: Yeah Ed?

Ed: Wanna stay over at our room tonight? We can discuss the things we read and see if it helps us find anything about the Philosopher's Stone.


Me: I guess. Al are you okay with that?

Al: Certainly.

He smiles and looks back at the road.

Ed: You feeling okay?

Me: Yes Ed I'm fine.

I slightly snap at him. Jeez he's persistent. He moves away from me a little from being scared of me... Good. I smirk and tried to fall asleep... Sadly I can't sleep in cars unless I... And no I'm not doing that again. I sit up and just stared out the window watching the sky as the stars are shinning bright as ever tonight.
As I continued watching, suddenly a shooting star quickly flies by making me jump out of my seat a little. Quickly I wished for Al and Ed to get their bodies back.
I watched the sky a little longer, hoping to find another shooting star, but nothing seems to appear. That sucks. One is better than none I guess.
I look back to Ed who's also looking out the window. Guess he had the same idea. I look over to Al who's starring at me.

Al: Clare?

Me: Yeah Al?

Al: Are you still worried about Nina?

I remember the face earlier. The face Mr. Tucker made as he entered the house... That creepy deceiving face.

Me: Yeah I still am. I have a feeling Mr. Tucker isn't the type of person people think he is.

Al: You sure? He seems very nice.

Me: I'm positive.

I gulp to myself and looked back to the window. I turn my head slightly to see the north star. I whispered to myself.

Me: Nina... Be careful tonight.


I looked at the window the same time Clare did. She talked to Al for a moment about Nina, and her concern for her. When they finished, I for sure thought I heard her whisper her name along with something. But when I looked over to Clare, she turned to me with a face full of worry.

Me: Clare...

Clare: I'm trying not to worry Ed like you said, but I can't help it.

Me: Don't worry too much. Tomorrow she'll be running to us asking her to play again, and everything will be fine.

Clare: You sure Ed? I don't trust Tucker.

Me: I'm sure.

Clare attempts to smile, but quickly fades as she looks back to the window... Maybe I should get some information about Tucker tonight to help Clare not think he's a bad guy. I nod to myself with the idea and looked over to Clare again with the same expression on her face.

The Musical Alchemist: An Edward Elric Love Story (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now