Chapter 41 - Cold Soul (Under Editing)

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Another day, another mission.

Ally: Clare what's wrong?

Me: Nothing. Just thinking was all.

Ally: Clare.

I sigh. Well I am a little love sick... Ed and Al left central recently, and I haven't heard from him in over two weeks. I know I shouldn't be too concerned, but...

Me: It's Ed. But don't worry, I know he has his reasons as much as I do.

Ally: Well, if you ever wanna have a girls night and eat dozens of sweets. Just call me.

She jokingly winks as she grabs her paperwork.

Me: Well anyway I gotta get going. Armstrong requested me to go on a mission.

Ally: A mission so sudden?

Me: Eh it was kinda in advance.

Ally: It was last second.

Me: Okay okay.

I put my hands up in defeat, leaving the room. Now to begin that mission.


Now if I remember correctly, this is the place. I look down on the map to see a huge cave.

Me: Not sure how I feel about this.

I step inside while turning on my flashlight.

Me: If this flashlight dies, I swear I'll double kill this flashlight.

*Drip drip*

I look up to see icicles melting?..  Wait how is that even possible?  I walk further into the cave to feel a warm breeze passing through here like a wind tunnel.  How the?

???: Father will happy.  Father will be pleased.

I stop dead in my tracks.

???: Father will praise me.

I gradually walk towards the lightened area. Better turn off this thing.  I turn off the flashlight, to hear the voice becoming louder.  Should probably stay within the shadows.

I slowly approach to notice a young boy picking the cave plants.

Me: A little boy?

The boy looks up with red shot eyes.

Me: How long have you been here?

The boy looks back to the plants and continues picking them.

Boy: Father will be happy.  Father will save everyone.

Me: Save everyone?

The boy stops and turns to me.

Boy: Father told me the plants here can save people.  I must hurry.

I grab his arm to notice it's all scratched up. 

Me: You're hurt.

Boy: I don't need saving.  The people do.

Me: What people?

Boy: The people of our church.


Boy: They need saving.  One day, a delivery was made for our ceremonies that we do every weekend... Little did we know, the red wine was poisoned. 

The Musical Alchemist: An Edward Elric Love Story (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now