01. Moving in

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*picture of Alex and Bailey's beach house up^ or to the side>


I was woken up to my mom and dad yelling at eachother again. I looked at my clock on my wooden bedside table, it was only midnight. That's a new record.

I grabbed my pillow and put it over my head covering my ears. The only thing I could hear now was the sound of my own breathing which quickly led me straight to sleep.


I was woken up to my alarm beeping like crazy. I unplugged it and threw my pillow off my head and to the other side of the room.

I got out of bed and saw my suitcase by my door. Today I'm off to live with my Aunt Bailey for two whole years. Just great.

I put on a black tank top and my favorite pair of denim skinny jeans. I then brushed me teeth and combed out my hair. Quickly I pulled on my black and white converse and laced them up.

I grabbed my suitcase and dragged it down the wooden stairs, hearing the clicking each step I went down.

I placed my black plain suitcase by the tall, paint chipped, front door and walked into the kitchen where my mom was.

I picked up a peanut butter toast and bit into it. I sat down at the table and put my earbuds in.

I turned on some alternative music and finished up my toast. Me and my parents had a weird bond, we didn't do the whole family breakfast thing together every morning, in fact we hardly said anything to each other in the morning.

I then walked towards the front door and grabbed my suitcase. My dad opened the door and we walked out.

"I'm off. See you later." I looked at my mom who just nodded as she continue to look at some stupid coupons on her phone.

My dad opened the scratched up trunk to the car and placed my suitcase inside. I turned around to see my mom running towards me. Oh great, now she notices.

I hugged her hesitantly and she kissed my forehead "See you in two years." I whispered as I looked her in her teary blue eyes.

My friends pulled up in their car and hopped out. I hugged them and saw my boyfriend Raiden. Well ex-boyfriend. We decided to take a break since I was going to be gone for a while.

I kissed him on the cheek and he pulled me into a hug "see you soon." I said he nodded and I got into my dads car and put my seat belt on.

My dad backed out of the drive way and I waved goodbye to my friends and my mom.

He then sped down the street and I held on for my dear life.

I'm glad we lived close to the airport thought, I don't think I can handle my dads crazy driving for another five minutes. When we arrived I hopped out and he handed me my suitcase.

I then took it from him and gave him a slight nod. "See you soon dad, you can call or text just not to much." I lightly laughed. I could feel tears well up in my eyes he then laughed too and gave me a big hug.

We pulled apart and I walked off to my plane. I handed the lady my ticket when I got inside and she showed me what route I had to take to get to my plane.

I followed where she pointed and soon found some other people that were going on the same plane.

We then all got on the plan and I took my seat next to this girl who looked about my age or so.

I put my suitcase up and sat down. I then pushed my pink headband back a little on my head so it wouldn't fall down.

"Are those the new soccer cleats?" The girl asked me pointing to my bag on the floor.

"Yeah I would have put them in my suitcase but they wouldn't fit." I answered.

She nodded and looked back out the window. "I'm Alex." I spoke.

"Morgan." She said looking at me and smiling.

"That's so funny because my last name is Morgan." I laughed she then joined me with a light hearted chuckle.

"Cool!" She smiled and I nodded. I mean it wasn't that cool.

I laid back the best I could in the uncomfortable airplane chair and soon drifted off to sleep.

"Alex wake up!" Morgan yelled at me.

"What?" I asked rubbing my eyes, and quickly sitting up in my seat.

"We're here." She said making me turn around to look out the window. We were here.

I got up and grabbed my suitcase. I quickly headed off the plane with Morgan and I waved her goodbye.

I sat down at a bench and waited for my aunt Bailey. Soon I saw a black BMW heading towards me and saw a freckled lady in the car.

She got out the car and headed towards me. She pulled me into a hug unwillingly and I could tell this was my aunt Bailey just by her sweet scent of strawberries. Also because  who hugs a stranger randomly like this...?

"Hi aunt Bailey." I said shyly.

"Hi Alex. Gosh you've gotten so big. The last time I saw you, you were only seven." She smiled.

"Yep I'm sixteen now." I responded as she took my bags from me.

She put my suitcase in the trunk of her nice and freshly washed BMW. I hopped in the car after my eyes roamed over the car.

She then drove to her beach house. She pulled up and before she could stop the car I jumped out and ran inside.

Her house was so beautiful. There was a fire to make s'mores, a pool, it was perfect. Definitely relaxing and the escape I desperately needed right at this time in my life.

The kitchen had a granite counter and the guest room upstairs was amazing. It was a nice lime green with a white lining meeting halfway.

The bed was made and it had a drawer for my clothes. The bathroom had granite counters just like the kitchen.

I went out back where the pool was and sat down. I dipped my feet in and looked at the beach ahead of me.

"So you like?" My aunt asked me dipping her feet in the pool.

"Are you kidding this is perfect! I love it." I answered.

"I thought you might like it." She said smiling.

I then heard someone call her name and me and her both went back out front.

We were met by this old man. "Yes Jeffery?" My aunt asked slightly annoyed.

"Going to dinner with my wife do you mind watching Harry?" He asked.

"Is he going to come over here? Or-"

"Yes he will." Jeffery cut her off. Rude much?

I watched as a teenage boy who I'm assuming is Harry, who looked about my age, walk up the driveway.

"Hello Harry nice to see you again, this is my Niece Alex."

I waved and he glared at me. I guess he's not a people person. That or he's got a huge stick up his ass.

"Okay then." I mumbled to myself.

He grabbed the collar of his shirt and peeled it off of him exposing his inked body. He walked past me making sure he bumped into me and dived into the pool.

"Good luck Bailey, and thank you again." Jeffery said and left in a hurry. Not that I blame him.

"Well he seems nice." I said sarcastically making my aunt laugh as she walked back inside.

I went and sat on a white pool chair and watched the sun go down into a beautiful sunset.

Why can't New York be like this all the time?
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