20. The Act

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I woke up to the bright sun shining down on my face.

I rolled over and laid my head on Harry's bed. My eyes flung opened and I shot up.

I'm at Harry's house..not mine.

All the memories came flooding back to me, me and Harry watched TV and hung out last night.

I got up and threw on a pair of Harry's socks.

I then headed down the stairs and soon smelled coffee and fresh pancakes.

I walked into the kitchen to see Harry cooking.....very rarely do I see this.

"Happy Birthday Alex!" Harry said and picked me up.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him on the forehead.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Um...if you guys could just not do that here I'm trying to keep my food down." A familiar voice said.

I hopped down and turned around to see Blake.

"Well hello to you to." I said.

"Yeah, yeah, Happy Birthday." He mumbled.

Blake got up and walked off.

I snickered and turned back around to Harry. He made me a plate and set it on the table for me.

I sat down and Harry did to. We were in silence and surprisingly the breakfast was good.

"Thank you, that was really good." I thanked him when I was done.

He pecked me on the lips and we then sat down on the couch and watched TV.


My phone rang and I picked it up as soon as I saw it was Zoe.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Pretend like your talking to Sadie not me." She said.

"Oh, hi Sadie." I watched as Alex's head turned to look at me.

"I need you to go out and get Alex's gifts but just tell her your going to go help Sadie." Zoe said.

"I....er....okay I'll be there shortly...bye." I said and hung up.

I looked at Alex that had her fists clenched.

"I'll be back soon." I told Alex.

She nodded and I quickly ran outside and got in the car.

I then drove to Alex's favorite jewelry store.


Harry left to go help that brat Sadie.

I continued watching movies and then finally decided on changing into a different outfit.

I put on a light pink dress and some matching light pink wedges.

Harry arrived home and me, Harry, and Blake decided on going out to eat.

I grabbed my white leather jacket and we all headed out the door.


We all headed out the door.

So far Zoe's plan has worked. Now all I have to do is get her to her surprise party.

Fake going out to eat, check.

A/n: sorry for the short chapter! Vote and comment!

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