25. Bringing up the past

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"Who is this?" I asked the mystery person on the other line.

"Take a wild guess." He said.

I sighed an shook my head. I then hummed acting like I was thinking long and hard about this.

"Blake!" I squealed.

"Don't squeal." He sighed acting irritated.

I laughed "I'm going to hang up now I have packing to do....by the way asshole you scared me when you called."

"Sorry." He laughed "why are you packing."

"Long story."

"I've got time."

"I don't." I sighed.

"Open your door."

The door bell rang and I hung the phone up.

I ran downstairs and opened the door. Blake walked in and we went up stairs so I could finish packing.

"So why are you packing." He asked breaking the silence.

"Harry didn't tell you? Me and him and going to England. We're staying for five whole days." I smiled at the thought of it.

"Lucky, I'd love to get away from school." He whined.

"I'd take you along but I don't think you would fit in this suitcase."

He pouted.

"Oh jeez, stop it Blake." I said playfully slapping him.

I finished putting my clothes away in the suit case and set it by the door. (Picture above or to the side of you.)

"Will you tell me about Harry's past?" I asked.

He turned to look at me and his eyes went wide.

"I think you should ask him." he got up and walked down the stairs.

I quickly got in front of the door so he couldn't leave yet.

"Move Alexandra." He said.

"No." I spat.

"Fine." He sighed.

He looked at me and I glared at him.

He went to open the door when all of a sudden he pushed me.

I then immediately slapped him.

"I'm sorry." He apologized.

"Me too,"He nodded and I went into the kitchen.

He followed me and I poured him a glass of water.

"So you were saying about Harry's past." I brought it up again.

I couldn't help but keep thinking about what he did.

He sighed and gave me a look that says I-know-what-your-doing.

"Go on." I smirked.

"Well, Harry wasn't like he is today. He would never take some girl back to where he was born nor would he be in a relationship like you guys's. So back then he was worse then I am and I'm going to admit I'm a dick and have no respect for girls....just like I have no respect for Zoe."

"You have respect for me." I cut in.

"Because if I don't Harry will kick my ass." He said.

I frowned. He will never change.

"Anyway he would have sex with random chicks like I do but that's not the worst part. The worst part is, is that he would get in trouble with the cops and other things that only you he can tell you about, because like I said before Harry will kick my ass." He said.

"Just tell me." I begged.

"And have a chance of getting killed by my best friend over a girl, no way in hell, I got to go bye." He said and walked out of the house.

I sighed.

I've been doing that a lot lately.

Harry walked in the house and came over and pecked me on the lips.

"Hey." He smiled.

I turned around to turn the stove off. "Tell me about your past Harry."

There was silence.

I turned back around to see him sitting down at the table with his head in his hands and his elbows rested on the surface of the table.

"Well go on now." I said getting annoyed.

He sighed and got up. I stopped him before he could walk away.

We sat down in the living room and he broke the silence.

"A while back before you came here I was way worse then Blake." I cut him off.

"So I've been told." I slightly smiled.

He just continued on with the story.

"So I would get in trouble with cops, buying alcohol when I'm not even old enough, getting a fake I.D, having sex with random girls. But when you came here everything changed. The first day you got here I was trying to be a jerk but I just couldn't really because you changed me as soon as I walked into the room." He said.

I nodded. "Why didn't you want me to know about your past?"

He looked at me "because the past is the past and I hate bringing my past up especially to someone I love who might not like me because of my past."

"Harry I could never unlike you because of what happened back then. All that matters is who you are today and who you will be tomorrow." I smiled and he got up and hugged me.

"Time to head off back to my home where most of this happened." He smiled.

"Should I be worried?" I asked.

He looked at me and raised his eyebrows "Yes."

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