13. The note

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I was laying in bed watching stupid chick flicks.

It was Wednesday and I had missed today and Tuesday.

There was a knock on my door and I groaned.

They slipped a note under my door and I got up and grabbed it.

I began reading;

I'm writing this so you know the whole story. If you won't let me talk to you in person then at least read this.

She kissed me not the other way around. She was trying to break us apart and your letting her get what she wants. She was a high school fling but you Alex Morgan are something different.

When I'm with you I feel like we're the only two people on this earth and everything around us isn't there it's just you and me...I haven't felt that my whole life but I do with you.

I feel love and you may not feel the same way but I just want to know your one of a kind and I love you and you only.

So if you don't want to talk to me for the rest of your life I understand it's going to be hard to get over it and I may never get over it....but at least I got to meet you.....only to lose you. I love you Alex and I hope you remember that. - Harry X

A tear left my eye and fell onto my cheek.

Every word he wrote meant everything to me.

I stuck the note in my drawer and got dressed.

I opened my door and Harry was sat against a wall.

"What are doing?" He asked.

"Going to school." I said and walked down the stairs.

I walked to school and when I got there I saw Zoe with Blake.

I hope one day they end up together and won't have problems with there relationship but this is Blake and Zoe were talking about.

Blake is a jerk and Zoe gets mad easily.

I saw her slap him across the face and she began to walk off when he grabbed her wrist yanking her back to him.

He glared at her and she tried to break free from his grip.

He bit his lip and she kicked him in his private.

She then stormed off and I walked over to Blake who was bent over.

"Looks like you got what was coming to ya." I said

"Please shut up Alex." He growled.

I laughed and began to walk off when I stopped myself.

I turned around and looked at Blake's arm.

"You have a sleeve tattoo?" I asked.

I grabbed his arm and looked at them.

"Yeah." He answered standing up straight.

"They look really cool." I said.


"How comes I've never noticed them before?" I asked.

"I always were hoodies but it's really hot today so I decided to just wear a normal t-shirt."

I nodded and walked off and soon got to the gym.

I walked into the gym but stopped and hid behind a corner when I heard Harry and Mary's voice.

"Mary I said leave me the fuck alone!" Harry yelled.

"She's pathetic! She's got you all jacked up in the head, she's a slut." She snapped.

"Actually Mary you just described yourself. I'm done! I love Alex and only her not you. Why can't you just get that through your thick skull?" Harry spat.

I walked into the gym and they both looked at me.

"Sorry to disturb you guys. I actually needed to talk to H-....Harry." I hesitantly said.

He nodded and walked towards me.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"I er...." He cut me off.

"I wanted to say sorry." He started.

I nodded.

"There's a party later tonight....let me take you." He said.

I shook my head "I just want to stay in bed."

"You can't exclude yourself from the world Alex." Harry said.

"Your right that's not the reason I don't want to go I just don't want to go with you after everything has happened."


"Harry don't."

"Let me take you."

"I'm going with Blake." I lied.

"Your lying."

"I know." I sighed.

"What time do I pick you up?" He asked.

"You live at Bailey's with me."

"I'm going to Blake's."


I walked off and smiled even though I'm still mad at him I hope this can help me get over it.

I was at home trying on outfits..

I finally decided on wearing a black crop top and some short denim shorts with rips in them.

I threw on some black converse and pushed my hair up onto my chest.

There was a knock on my door and I went downstairs and opened it to find Harry and Blake.

"Hi Harry, hi Blake." I smiled.

"Hi." They said at the same time and smiled at me.

Blake glared at Harry and I laughed.

Me and Harry walked off but I stopped in my tracks.

"If your waiting for Zoe, Blake she told me to tell you to go fuck yourself." He sighed and started laughing.

He caught up with me and Harry and bent down on his knees in front of me.

I hopped on his back and he started running off and Harry came after us.

Harry grabbed me by my waist and pulled me off of Blake and span me around.

He set me down and I looked at the both of them.

"What now?" I asked

"Let's skip the party." Blake said.

"I agree." Harry spoke.

We followed Blake and soon arrived at the tattoo shop.

"What are we doing?" I asked.

"Getting you and Harry a tattoo." Blake answered.

My eyes went wide and I walked inside.

My aunt is going to kill me.

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