16. Accident on the soccer field

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"Do you want to go hangout or something?" Harry asked.

"Sure." I answered.

I put on a loose white crop top and some denim short shorts.

I threw on my converse and he walked into the room.

"Ready?" I asked.

He nodded and we walked downstairs.

"So we're skipping school?" I asked.

"Let's just go to school first."

I sighed and we left to hell....aka high school.

"I promise after school we will hang out." Harry said.

I sighed "I can't we have to go to your practice after school and help coach."

I walked off and met up with Zoe.

"What's up sweets?" Zoe said.

"Your in a really good mood....what happened?" I asked.

"Well I have this ten step rule to ruin Blake." She lightly laughed at the thought of it.

I rolled my eyes. There so rude to each other.

"I'll see you later and I'll give you the list so you can see." She walked off and I was pushed but caught by Blake.

Mary pushed me, of course.

Harry came over to me and made sure I was okay.

He then walked me to class and I smirked at Mary.

Two can play this game.


I walked outside and to the back of the school where I already saw Harry on the field with other boys scrimmaging.

Some one rammed into Harry and he fell to the ground and I saw his ankle roll...it looked like it snapped.

I dropped my things and ran over to him.

Blake then came over and you could tell Harry was in so much pain.

The coach came over and helped Blake lift him up.

"Let's take him back to my car. Ill drive him and Alex home." Blake said.

"Karma's a bitch." Mary said to me as she walked past.

"Sounds like you and Karma have something in common." I fired back.

She gasped dramatically and walked off.

I went to Blake's car and hopped in the passenger seat.

I looked in the rear view mirror and saw Harry laying In the back seat.

Just to see him in pain makes my heart hurt.

But then again he's been in pain this whole time dealing with my crap and I was just to blind to see it until now.

Blake carried him up to my room and laid him down on my bed.

"Thank you." I thanked Blake and pulled him into a hug.

"Anytime." Blake then left and I turned on the TV.

I went to walk out the room when Harry stopped me.

"Alex." He called.


"We need to talk Alex." He said.

"We will but not right now, you need to get some rest..okay?" I asked.

"Okay." He nodded and I walked out of the room.

"Blake." I called before he left the house.

I ran to him.

"Go talk to Zoe before she does something stupid. I see the looks you guys give each other when yall are together. Don't blow your chance of being with someone you care about like I did." I said.

He nodded and then looked up at me "She doesn't need to be with me...all I will do is break her heart. She needs someone that will care for her and won't cheat, I'm not loyal." He walked out of the house and I couldn't stop him.

I sighed and walked to the couch.

Before I could sit down Harry called my name and he sounded like he was in pain.

I ran back upstairs to see him trying to get out of bed.

"Are you crazy?" I shouted.

I helped him back up on the bed.

He looked at me and said "Yeah I'm crazy."

I laughed.

I ran to a closet and pulled out Bailey's crutches.

I put them at the proper height and gave them to Harry.

I helped him down the stairs and we went outside and went to the beach.

We sat down and just enjoyed the amazing weather.

"Can we talk now....about us?" Harry asked breaking the peaceful silence.

"What about us? There is no us. You cheated on me and Mary." I sighed.

"Let me explain please and this time don't interrupt when I'm explaining." He said and I nodded for him to go on.

"Me and Mary never dated I asked her to do me a favor and that was to hack into the school computers and change all my bad grades to B's and A's. When she was done I said I would do anything for her and she made me become her fake boyfriend....but when you came everything changed I actually fell in love with you and the other day I was in the gym and me and her we're talking and I just ended things for sure yesterday." he sighed.

This all made sense now. I should have let him explain things instead of me assuming things that weren't true.

I scooted towards him and laid my head on his chest.

We were laying down and it soon became dark.

"Maybe we should head back." Harry said.

"Let's just stay a little longer." I said back.

And we did.

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