14. Tattoo's

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"A tattoo?" I asked Blake.

"Yeah." He answered "You should get a sleeve tattoo it would look so sick."

"Sick as In gross or sick as in cool because I'm thinking both." I said.

"Sick as in cool...you should get one."

"Yeah....no." I said.

He laughed and I sat down in the chair and Harry gripped my hand.

"You will be okay." He said and I nodded.

"No I won't I'm scared of needles." I panicked.

"Your fine." The tattoo designer said.

I calmed down and laid back in the chair.

"So what do you want done?" He asked.

I made Harry leave the room and decided what I wanted.

A few minutes later I had Harry's name written on my hip.

It was in cursive and the color was a midnight blue/purple.

"Thank you." I thanked.

I walked out and since I was wearing a black crop top Harry saw it immediately.

He smiled and got up and hugged me.

When we pulled away I smiled at him and said,

"Your turn." He laughed and walked in the room and sat down.


Harry came out and showed me where he got his tattoo.

It was an anchor with my name on it.

"Cheesy." Blake said.

Harry and I turned to him and glared.

"Well I think it's cute." I said and hugged Harry.

I would have kissed him but I didn't know where we stood in our relationship.

"Harry you should get a sleeve tattoo like Blake." I said.

"No way in hell." I laughed and we walked home.


"Harry my legs hurt." I complained.

He bent down and I got on his back.

"Thank you." I said.

"Your welcome."

We arrived home and I'm pretty sure Harry was worn out.

"I am so sorry!" I apologized.

"It's fine I don't mind carrying my girlfriend." He said.

I didn't say anything but keep quiet. I didn't know we're me and him stood in our relationship.

"We are still dating right?" He asked.

I looked at him and said, "Maybe we should take a break."

"But Alex I-"

"Harry I think we need to." I sighed.


"You never dumped Mary!" I yelled.

I sighed and walked up the stairs to my bedroom.......he cheated on me but mostly he cheated on Mary.


I never cheated on Alex, I would have told her that but she never lets me get a sentence in.

Things between me and Mary were like a mythical creature....it never existed.

We weren't dating at all.

She needed me to be her fake boyfriend and I told her no....but then I accidentally made her do something for me and she said I owed her.

Well I said anything and she made me become her fake boyfriend.

I let her use me but when Alex came everything changed.

I started hanging around Alex and was sent to Bailey's house because my dad left.

I wish I could stay here forever but he's coming home in two weeks tops.

Mary walked in Bailey's house angrier then ever.

"You told her didn't you?" She asked mad.

"Told who what?"

"About the fake thing between us."

"No I didn't."

She walked over to me and tried to kiss me when I pulled back.

"We have to end this fake thing." I started.

"But you owed me." She pouted.

"And it's over now."

She slapped me and Alex walked down the stairs. She saw me and Mary and turned back around to go upstairs.

"Stop." Mary said.

Alex turned around and looked at her glaring.

"One question." Mary said.

"What is it?" Alex asked.

"Are you and Harry dating." Mary asked and Alex looked at me.

I nodded and she sighed. Alex then looked back at Mary.

"No....no we're not. He cheated on me and you." Alex looked at me and I saw a tear slip from her eye.

She quickly wiped it away and walked back up the stairs.

"There you go." Mary said "now that she's out of the way it's just me and you."

"I don't want anything to do with you...get out." I spat.

"Aww.....are you sad? Well deal with it asshole!" She yelled and walked out of the house making sure to slam the door.

I sighed and fell back on the couch...this day couldn't get any worse.

A/n: vote and comment!

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