11. Problems

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"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Yes." I smiled.


"He asked me to..." I trailed off as me and Zoe sat down on the beach.

"Who and who asked what?" She asked....clueless.

"Harry asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes." I smiled.

She clapped and hugged me.

"That's awesome!"

"I feel stupid and lame." I said laughing she nodded and I lightly shoved her and she laughed.

"Let's go walk around."

We got up and headed off in a different direction we came from.

I looked around and saw Harry a smile played on my lips but soon faded.

I saw Mary with him and she kissed him.

She literally kissed him.

I ran off leaving Zoe behind and when I made it back to Baileys I locked myself up in my room.

I can't believe Harry would do this after I told him I would be his girlfriend, I can't believe k forgot they were dating.

I'm so stupid.

Worst mistake I ever made.


A/n: sorry for short chapter next one will be longer I swear

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