23. Locker Jerk and Suprise getaway

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Harry kissed me fiercely. He unzipped the back of my dress and slid it off of me.

"Harry." I said pulling back.


I sighed, "Maybe we should wait since of what happened tonight."

"You want to wait?" He asked.

"I don't but you- just if -I don't know." I said he pulled me into a kiss and laid me back on his bed.


The next morning I woke up in Harry's bed.

I rolled over and laid my head on his bare chest.

"We have to get ready for school." Harry groaned.

I sighed and got up. "Let's go."

We got up and got dressed. I threw on a light blue dress, black wedges and I kept my necklace Harry gave me on. I then put my hair up in this type of hairstyle. (Picture above of to the side.)

"Let's go." I kinda shouted. I walked towards his bedroom door to leave when he shut the door and spun me around.

He placed his lips to mine and moved his hands down to my waist.

We pulled away and we headed off to school.


"Warning you now, do not go to your locker." Blake said as soon as I got inside.

"Okay?" I said kind of unsure of what to do.

"Yeah I agree with him on this one and I rarely agree with him on anything." Zoe said.

I looked up at Harry who was mouthing something to Blake.

I walked off with Zoe and we stopped at her locker so I could put my things away.

"Hello Zoe." I heard Sadie say.

"Hey Shady, I mean Sadie." Zoe said annoyed.

Sadie rolled her eyes and glared at me.

"Actually no Zoe you mean Shady." Harry spat as he walked up to us with Blake.

I saw Blake had a bottle behind his back and became suspicious.

"High school slut, really? Is that even necessary when we all know that the only high school slut right here is you. Not Zoe and definitely not Alex." Harry said.

He grabbed ahold of my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"You can make up rumors about Alex but it will never change the fact that I'm in love with her and only her." Harry said to Sadie who's smirk had faded.

Blake pulled out the bottle from behind his back quickly and sprayed string all over Sadie.

Blake smirked and I was holding back a laugh but it soon came out and Zoe joined me.

We all walked off and towards the cafeteria.

"Blake I can't believe you did that." I said laughing as we sat down.

Zoe sat down next to me and glared at Blake.

"I hate you." She spat.

He smirked "Good."

"Oh come on will you guys lighten up for once?" I said sitting back in my chair.

"I can't stand Blake either Zoe but I make the best of it." I ended.

Blake's head popped up and he looked at me. "I helped with your birthday party and you still don't like me wow."

"I was kidding." I joked. I looked at Zoe and shook my head. I then mouthed 'no I wasn't.'

She laughed and we all headed off to the soccer field.

Zoe sat down on the bleachers and me, Harry, and Blake kicked the ball.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Zoe and Shady Sadie talking.

Sadie handed Zoe Pom poms and Zoe threw them.

I laughed but got hit by the ball in my stomach.

Karma's a bitch.

Harry ran over to me and Blake stood back and apologized.


"It's okay." I said while Harry helped me off the floor.


Me and Harry went over to my house and to my room.

"You have a lot of packing to do." He said.

"What, why?" I asked.

"We are going to go stay at my grandfathers old cabin in England." He answered.

My head shot up and a smile formed on my face.

"You're joking." I said.

"Oh, but I'm not." He smiled.

I hugged him and he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"When do we leave?" I asked as soon as my feet reached the floor again.

He smiled and looked at me "tomorrow night."

A/n: vote and comment!

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