26. The Plane Ride

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Me and Harry grabbed our bags and headed out the door.

I already said goodbye to Blake, my 'Aunt', Zoe, Nash, and Morgan.

We got in Harry's car and headed off to the airport.

The leather seats became cold and my jacket was in my suitcase in the back of the car.

We soon arrived to the airport. We grabbed our bags - more like Harry grabbed our bags and we headed towards the front of the airport.

The airport was crowded with people running after there kids and trying to make there flights.

I smiled at the little kid standing in front of me: he kind of looked lost.

"Hi." I smiled.

He waved.

"Where's your mommy?" I asked.

"I don't know where my mummy is." He mumbled.

"Would you like me to help you?"

He nodded. I couldn't help but notice his green eyes like mine.

I held his hand and we walked around trying to find his mom.

Harry followed looking around the airport with us.

Finally a woman came up to us and brought him into her arms.

"Thank you so much." She thanked.

"Anytime." I smiled.

"I'm Julie Morgan and you are?"

My heart stopped. Another family member.

"Alex Morgan." She looked up surprised.

"Nice to finally meet you. Your dad called me about a month ago when you found out and told me about you...this is your cousin Edward." She smiled and I smiled at her.

"We're are you guys off to?" I asked.

"I don't know I need to be down town for a business thing but I have your cousin and I ca-" I cut her off.

"Me and my boyfriend Harry here are off to England. I just turned seventeen and I'm pretty sure me and Harry can handle a three year old...we could take him along with us." I smiled.

She nodded and gave us her extra plane ticket.


We were now on the plane Edward had fallen asleep and Harry was watching a movie.

I grabbed ahold of his hand and closed my eyes laying back.

I felt him place his blanket on me and soon fell right to sleep.

The flight was about ten hours or so but I had this dream about me and Harry being parents and we had two kids together.

It started making me realize that the only guy on this world that I would have kids with if I had to choose right now it would be him. I want to have kids with him one day.

We got up. Harry picked up Edward into his arms and we walked off the plane.

Goodbye California, Hello England.

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