35. Fights and big bro rules.

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It's been a couple days and we recently went to the doctor.

Today I was getting my results to see if I was raped or not.

I kept my phone by me at all times.

Harry was asleep on my bed holding my hand.

He was just as scared as I was.

The phone rang and I immediately picked it up.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Is this Alexandrea Morgan Collins?" He asked.

Don't ask I'll tell you. I have two last names.

"Yes sir."

"We have your results and-" I cut him off.

"And what?!" He chuckled.

"You weren't raped but the bruises on your back and legs are from abuse. Some one that walked by did this to you." He said.

Sadie....that bitch.

"Okay thank you sir for everything."

| | | |

I had told my brother, Harry, Zoe, and Niomi what happened and that I think it's Sadie that abused me.

I stood up and walked to school with everyone. And everyone was my brother, boyfriend, Zoe, and Niomi.

Crap Niomi.

I had to get her ready for her blind date with Raiden.

"So Nimbob we have to get you ready for your blind date tonight." I smiled and she sighed.

"I think I'm just going to hang with you tonight I mean like your hurt and all and I don't want you t-" I cut her off.

"I have my boyfriend Harry, and my big brother." I smiled at the two of them.

"He won't be your boyfriend for long." Blake threatened.

I glared at him and walked in front of him and Harry with Zoe and Niomi.

"I'll be fine in there hands.....I hope but Zo if you can please come." I said.

She glared at me and Niomi. "What's up with all the fucking nick names!" She spat.

Me and Niomi were shocked and Blake stepped in front of me.....trying to protect me but I didn't need his protection I was already hurt.

"Miss, wait is it Owens or Morgan Im confused with that." Our principal started.

"It's Owens sir believe me there's no way I'm that brats sister." She glared.

"Right your not my sister Zoe Owens. Your a selfish, manipulative little brat that likes to flirt and pick at my brother. You think that one day he will be yours when he can't even stand the sight of you. Your nothing but a waste of space that likes to judge people for every little thing they do. Well how about this, the next time your about to judge someone how about you take a look in the mirror and realize the only one that needs judging is your ass." I snapped and walked away.

I opened my locker and Harry and Niomi just stood there.

I looked over to see Blake staring at Zoe.

I walked over to him.

"I don't even know who you are anymore." He said looking at her sadly.

She was going to say something when he cut her off.

"Just shut up I'm done with this. I'm done with talking to you. And I'm done with being frienemeis with you." He spat.

He grabbed me by my arm and walked away.

"Here's the rules sis." He started and I sighed.

"No more being friends with her and you have to tell me where your going and what your going to do. And also no more dating Harry. You have by the end of the day to break up with him." He walked off.

"I'll do what ever I bloody want to do." I shouted.

God damn Harry's accent was rubbing off on me.

The whole bloody part in that sentence was definitely not me.

I walked to class. This has been the worst day ever....and for when I was abused when I was already down.

A/n: vote and comment please! Next chapter should be longer but no promises!

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