03. Mary

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My eyes flew open and I saw Harry in front of me. I coughed up a bunch of water and finally got oxygen to my lungs again.

"Alex I'm so sorry." He said apologizing.

His hair was wet and to the side of his head.

He sighed in relief and laid back. "Well hello to you to..what happened?" I asked.

"Please tell me you didn't forget your memories." He quickly looked over at me.

"Are you God?" I asked staring up into the sky, as I brought my hands close to my face and stared at them with wide eyes.

He then rolled his eyes at me and I laughed.

"No but seriously the only thing I remember is a huge wave came crashing down on me."

"You just blacked out that's all." He shrugged.

I nodded and got up and put my hand out. He took it and I helped him up.

We walked back to the house and I was greeted by a crying Aunt.

"Are you okay Alex? I was so worried about you."

"Yeah I'm fine my head just hurts I think I hit it on a rock." I answered as I touched where it hurt. It stung immediately as I winced in pain.

"You did, there's a big slit in your forehead." She said.

I nodded and began to walk off "get out Harry now! You put my niece in danger and you didn't even say sorry!" She yelled.

There was silence until I spoke up.

"Bailey, it's fine this wasn't his fault. It was all my idea to go to the beach and swim at surf side. It was also my idea to swim out that far, and there was no apology needed from him. I should be thanking him for saving my life and apologizing to him."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows at me and my aunt just stood there.

"So, I'm sorry Harry and thank you for you know saving me." I explained.

He nodded and mouthed a thank you. I walked off and went into the bathroom upstairs.

I turned on the shower and waited for the water to warm up.

When it did I jumped in and washed all the nasty sand and salt water off of me and out of my hair.

When I got out I wrapped my towel around me and began to walk back into my room.

I heard Harry on the phone and stopped to listen.

"I know okay. I should have gone to stay with you, after all you are my girlfriend but I just...she's my neighbor and my dad told me to stay with her."

I could hear the other person on the other end since she was practically screaming.

"Since when have you ever listened to your dad?!" She shouted.

I walked into the room. "I have to go. Bye." He said and hung up

"Who was that?" I asked with my eyebrows knitted together.

"My er.....step-mom." He lied.

I raised my eyebrows at him. When he didn't make eye contact with me I just nodded my head.

"Your not buying it are you?" He sighed.

"Nope." I simply responded and he shook his head.

I then turned to look at him and he was closer to me then I expected.

"Excuse me." I said trying to walk away.

He moved out of my way and I went to the restroom to get dressed.

I threw on my clothes and combed out my hair. I walked back out and saw my aunt yelling at Harry.

"What's this about?" I asked.

"You lied to me Alex." She spat furiously.

I grabbed Harry by the wrist and pulled him out the door with me.

"Alex don't ignore me!" My aunt yelled.

"Going out, bye!" I yelled back.

I walked out the door with Harry following behind me.

"I have to go meet someone." He said.

"Your girlfriend?" I asked crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Yeah." He mumbled quietly to himself.

"Cool lets go." I shrugged.

We walked off and were going to meet her at the beach.

When we arrived at the beach I saw her turning her back to us.

"Hey." Harry said letting out a breath he was holding in.

She turned around and looked at me. We both furrowed our eyebrows at each other.

"Alex." She said through her disgusting teeth.

There was my sister, right in front of me. Mary.

I rolled my eyes "Mary." I spat back at her.
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