37. Pregnancy tests.

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Zoe had cried herself to sleep on the couch.

Blake and Harry walked in laughing and then noticed Zoe.

"What the hell is she doing here?" Blake snapped.

"S- I-" I couldn't quite speak.

I just sighed and put my hands over my face.

"What happened?" Harry asked.

I looked up at them and noticed Blake had a paper bag in his hand with my lunch in it.

"Me and Zoe think....that she's...that she's um..." I trailed off.

"That's she's pregnant." Blake finished.

I looked up at him and nodded.

He dropped the bag on the floor and sat down on our coffee table.

"Holy shit." He said. "How could I have been so stupid." He mumbled but I still heard.

"You didn't." I said getting up.

"You couldn't have mate." Harry said.

Zoe woke up and looked at all of us but locked eyes with Blake.

She became mad and chunked a pillow at Blake.

"You guys didn't." Me and Harry said at the same time.

"But we did." Blake and Zoe said at the same time.

I scoffed and felt anger rise up inside me.

"Wow." Was all I said before I left to the store.

I arrived at the store, picked up my item and placed it on the counter for check out.

"Teen pregnancy?" The lady glared at me and placed it in the bag.

I payed and grabbed my bag.

"Actually my friend had sex with my brother. So I'm not the stupid one they are but thanks for your guess." I walked out the store and headed home.

I walked in the door and held up the box of pregnancy tests.

"Pregnancy tests." I said.

Zoe got up and me and her headed towards the restroom.

I turned around while she did what ever she had to do.


I placed my ear on the door of the bathroom.

"You done yet?" Alex asked.

"I've been done...just shocked."

"It's positive Alex....positive."  Zoe said.

"Try another one." Alex said.

"It still says positive." Zoe said a little after.

Holy crap.

How could I have been so stupid. I walked away and sat on the couch.

"I'm screwed Harry." I said.

"Actually you screwed someone else." He laughed.

"Ha-ha." I said irritated.

"My point is I'm screwed because I'm having a baby with someone I don't even like." I said.

"Wow gee thanks Blake. How about you stop thinking about your ass and start thinking about other people. I'm stuck with a baby inside me for nine months! And it's going to grow up without a dad." Zoe spat.


Blake looked at her and sighed.

"Just like I grew up without my real parents." I said sadly.

Zoe walked away and I walked up to Blake.

"Your going to be apart of that baby's life you hear me? He or she is going to grow up with there real parents and both of there parents. Because Lordy Lordy if it doesn't I will hurt you Blake maybe not physically but I will find a way to ruin your life for good. Now get your ass up and out of my house." I spat.

Blake got up and headed towards the door.

"You know if you and Harry didn't send us away to Paris and make us share a room together maybe this wouldn't have happened." Blake said and left.

I sighed.

I sat down next to Harry on the couch and he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Part of this is our fault. I know we were just trying to make sure they got along and were friendly with each other but they were a little to friendly with each other." Harry said.

We chuckled.

I pecked him on the lips.

I looked back at the tv "No kidding."

A/n: sorry for a short chapter please vote and comment! thank you guys!

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