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Q. How did you come up with the idea for this book?
A. I was just thinking about a new book and soon this idea popped in my head and I began writing.

Q. Do you plot out your whole story?
A. I don't actually....oops. Most authors on here say always have a plot diagram I don't do that an Idea pops in my head for the chapter and that is what I will write about for the chapter.

Q. How long does it take to finish a chapter?
A. About an hour or so a chapter I don't have the correct amount of time it takes me.

Q. What's your favorite girl character and your favorite boy character and why?
A. My favorite girl character is Zoe because she's Sassy and fun I like Alex but I like Zoe better. My favorite boy character is Blake and Harry because I like how Blake messes with Zoe and how he's a jerk and I like Harry cause he's sweet and caring.

Q. Who plays Zoe and Blake?
A. Victoria Justice plays Zoe Morgan and Christian Collins plays Blake Collins.

Q. What is the name of the sequel for the boy next door?
A. You will see soon but I'm pretty sure you can guess all ready. The boy next door is the first book just change one word and you got it.

Q. Why is Mary a bitch?
A. It's just her character the person who actually plays Mary I'm sure is a really nice girl.

Q. How do you update so fast?
A. I have a lot of free time some of the times. When I have free time I will write 2-4 chapters sometimes even 5 chapters. Then when I think I need to update I will update the chapter. This rarely happens whenever I have a chapter ready but it's been like this for the whole week that I have chapters ready.

Q. Can you follow me back?
A. Sure.

Q. Will this be in the Q&A?
A. Yup.

Q. Can I be in the book?
A. Idk...can you...kidding we will see.

Q. What is the sequel going to be about?
A. The sequel is going to be about Zoe and Blake's 'relationship' how there rude to each other and how they act towards each other they aren't dating but we will see what happens in the sequel.

Q. Will Alex and Harry still be a couple in the sequel if they make it as a couple in the first book?
A. If Alex and Harry make it as a couple in the first book then yes of course you will still hear about them in the second book they won't have there own point of views I don't think but they will definitely be in the second book If they make it as a couple or not.

Q. Is this the last question?
A. Nope.

Q. What's the sequel called?
A. You will see soon enough.

Q. Who is Sadie played by?
A. Sadie Robertson from Duck Dynasty.

Q. Is this all you do is write?
A. Hurtful but no I actually have a life, but writing plays a big part in my life.

Q. Will there be the same characters in the sequel?
A. There will be the same characters and some new characters since its two different main characters.

A/n: thank you all for your questions! If anyone has anymore questions feel free to comment and I will gladly answer them! Vote and comment!

The Boy Next Door (H.S)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora