15. Dodge ball

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Today at school was just like any other day...boring as hell.

I was walking to my locker when I heard Zoe talking to Blake.

"You are pathetic." She hissed.

"You love it."

"Gross." She gaged.

"Your a bitch." He laughed.

"Sorry but I'm not a female dog." She smirked slamming her locker and walked off.

I looked at Blake and he looked at me.

He then strolled over to me and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes Blake?"

"How are things with you and Harry?"

"Usual....terrible." He laughed and I glared.

"You should let me take you out tonight." He smiled at me.

"Stop playing your dumb games plus I don't think that would be a good idea take Zoe instead." I shut my locker.

I walked off before he could say anything else.

My next class was gym an I was dreading it like always. I usually like gym but today was dodge ball I don't really care for hitting people no matter how bad they deserved it.

I saw Mary and changed my mind this was going to be fun.

"Captains Alex and Harry." Coach said.





All the good players were soon demolished.

"Willa." I said.




Finally he chooses her. I need to beat the living hell out of her.

"Begin." Coach said and blew his whistle.

I ran and grabbed a ball the same time Harry did.

I eyed him and he smirked he threw his ball hitting one of the girls in the calf.

I got Nash and Liam out I tried to get Blake but he's to damn good.

Mary threw it at me and I ducked. Soon it was just me, Zoe, Morgan, Mary, Harry, and Blake.

Blake threw the ball and it hit Zoe right in the boob.

"Oops." He smirked.

She walked off but not before throwing her ball and hitting him in the jaw.

"Oops." She drily laughed and continued to walk off.

I swear there 'relationship' is weird. Morgan soon got Blake out and Mary got her out.

Mary hugged Harry and I felt my blood boil.

While she was distracted I threw the ball and hit her in her arm I could already see the red mark.

She glared at me and walked off.

Now it was just me and Harry.

I threw a ball and he moved out of the way In time. He threw one at me and I ducked.

I went to grab a ball and felt something hit my ass.

I looked up to see Harry laughing.

"You little bastard!" I yelled.

He continued to laugh and a smile formed on my face.

I looked at Mary and her face was as red as a stop sign.

I smirked and she ran towards me the same time I ran towards her.

She slapped me and I punched her in her nose.

I saw Nash grab Mary and felt Harry pick me up by my waist.

My back was on his stomach and I was kicking my legs trying to get down.

He put me in bridal style position and carried me out of the gym.

I started messing with his hair the one thing he hated most.

He sighed and I began to laugh.

He set me down and stared at me. "Why are we fighting?" He asked.

"Mary." I sighed.

"Your just letting her have what she wants....attention and making you mad." I nodded and looked up at him.

"What's wrong with your hip?" He asked.

I looked down at where I got the tattoo and noticed I tied my shirt to high up.

I pulled it down and looked back at him.

"What happened?" He asked getting mad.

I guess I had an allergic reaction to the ink or something because my hip was black and blue.

"Allergic reaction I guess." I admitted.

He pulled me into a bear hug and I hesitated but wrapped my arms around him.

"Friends?" I asked.

He sighed and nodded "friends."

And that's what we needed more then anything right now...

A friendship.

A/n: vote and comment please!

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