09. What have I done.

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Two wrongs don't make right they all say but how can two wrongs not make a right when only one person is in the wrong?

This may be confusing so let me explain a little more.

I Alex Morgan decided to say yes to homecoming with Blake Collins....guess I made a bad decision but I wasn't going to hurt him, plus were just going as friends, nothing more.

Zoe Morgan my actual sister likes my homecoming date....Blake so this is how she got back at me.

*Hours Earlier Before The Dance*

I was standing at my locker talking with Harry about this morning when coach made us leave the house at five a.m.

I saw Zoe walk over and decided to not say anything sense some how I've already made her mad.

"Hey Harry.....I was wondering well I know guys are supposed to ask but you would never have the guts to come up and ask me. So anyway would you like to go to homecoming with me?" Zoe asked Harry.

Harry rolled his eyes and looked at her.."Maybe I never came up to you and asked you because I don't like you like that and I'm going in a group. Sorry Zoe, but you know how mad Mary would be."

I snickered and then hid my head in my locker pretending to look for something.

"But...." Harry started he then looked at me and gave me a glare.

I shrugged and looked back in my locker.

"I guess I could take you to the dance seeing as someone beat me to asking the girl I wanted to go with." He sighed.

My mouth dropped just knowing who he wanted to go with.

Me. Or maybe it was Mary.

I didn't say anything but put a confused look on my face.

Zoe walked off smiling and I turned to Harry.

"And who did you want to ask?"

"I think we both know the answer to that already." He then walked off leaving me there.

I sighed and shut my locker...just a great way to start the day of homecoming off.

*2 hours before homecoming*

I was getting dressed at Morgan's place since she wanted to do my makeup and considering that she had most of the good makeup I went ahead and let her.

I barely have any makeup anyway...so yeah.

"You okay?" She asked me while curling the ends of my hair.

I was just looking in the mirror at my reflection and I noticed the look on my face.

I had a very sad look on my face sense what happened earlier today.

"I guess." I answered fake smiling at her.

When she was done with my hair and makeup I went to put of my black dress.

I then slid on my black wedges and carefully walked down stairs with her.

When we got downstairs I saw Blake and...Nash.

I went and hugged Blake and she did the same to Nash.

We headed out the door and I sat up front with Blake while Nash and Morgan sat in the back.

I pulled out my phone and started texting Morgan because her and Nash were being very flirty.

To Morgie: so you and Nash huh?

From Morgie: don't even start missy!

I lightly laughed to myself and we arrived to the school.

We all got out and headed inside.

Me and Blake went to the dance floor and danced to an up beat song with a bunch of other people.

A few minutes later I heard a voice.

"Mind if I cut in." It was raspy and well, British.

I was soon switched to dancing with Harry and it was quite awkward if I do say so for myself.

"So you and Blake?" He asked.

"Me and him are just here as friends...but I could say the same thing about you and Zoe."

"I don't like Zoe."

"Then why bring her to the dance?"

"Because your here with Blake and she wanted him to take her...she was desperate." He sighed.

"So who's the girl you really wanted to take?" I asked but I already knew the answer to it.

He didn't speak.

Finally he answered "you."

The song had changed and I was about to say something when he walked away and went back to Zoe.

What have I done?
A/n: so there it was.....you should all be happy with next chapter it's so exciting I hope.

Lol okay please vote and comment bye.

O..o -name him.

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