04. Soccer assistant

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There was my sister. Mary, aka the back stabbing bitch, and apparently Harry's girlfriend.

"You two know eachother?" Harry asked.

"We're sisters." I said looking at my feet.

"Yeah. Unfortunately." Mary agreed.

"Harry," I said walking over to him I then grabbed his wrist and looked at his watch.

"I have to go." I said beginning to walk off.

Harry grabbed my arm and then looked at my sister. She was angry so he let go of me.

I ran home and snuck up to my room.

I kicked my shoes off and got in bed. I rolled over and closed my eyes.

Worst day ever.


I woke up to my aunt opening my curtains shining the bright sunlight directly in my eyes.

"Bailey please don't make me go today." I begged.

"Get up Alex, nothing bad is going to happen I promise." She said.

"Yeah right." I mumbled under my breath.

I got up and put on some small black athletic shorts. I then threw on a plain white tshirt and a pair of converse.

I walked downstairs to see Harry sitting on the couch watching tv, with a bowl of cereal in his hands.

"Morning." He greeted.

"Oh, shut up." I snapped.

I walked into the kitchen and poured a medium glass of pulp free orange juice.

I grabbed the glass and walked into the living room. I sat on the couch across from Harry and looked out at the beach remembering my accident.

I brought my hand up to my forehead and felt where the rock cut me.

Harry then looked at me, "it's going to scar." I sighed.

I got up and put my glass In the sink. I grabbed my bag my aunt gave me and walked out the door.

I walked alone in silence and in peace. My head was pounding from going to bed late and getting up to early.

When I spotted the school I picked up the pace and ran across the street.

I walked inside and saw this girl with dark hair talking to this guy at his locker.

I then saw that girl Morgan I met on the plane walk over to them. She slapped the guy across the face and grabbed the girl by the wrist and walked with her.

Then she spotted me.

"Alex oh my goodness! Hey!" She squealed

"Hi." I responded quietly.

The girl with the dark hair cleared her throat and blonde haired Morgan rolled her eyes.

"This is Zoe by the way." She said pointing to the girl.

"Hi." She said with a small smile on her face.

"Hey." I responded "um will you guys help me around the school today...I'm new."

"Sure no problem. Let's see where you go first." Zoe took my schedule right out of my hands and looked at it.

"You have English first..that would be with me and Harry..if you know him. Hot, but he's such a jerk." She said.

"Yeah I know him he-" I was cut off by some one grabbing my arm and yanking me back.

I hit a locker with my head and looked up to see Mary.

"What the hell!" I shouted as my books fell to the ground and out of my arms.

She just smiled. The principal grabbed me and Mary by the Arms and dragged us into his office.

He let go and we took a seat.

"What are you two thinking?!" He boomed at us.

"Sir she was being rude to me." My sister said all innocently.

"I'll deal with it. Now leave Mary." He smiled at her and my mouth dropped open.

Mary smirked at me and walked out of the door.

The principal then sat down and glared at me. "You haven't even been here for an hour and your already causing trouble."

"Sir that's really not how it went-" he cut me off by sticking his hand up at me

"Mary would never lie to me. Now for your punishment..." he trailed off. A few minutes passed me and he smiled evilly at me. "you will be spending after school everyday watching the boys soccer game and assisting the coach."

"What that's not-" he cut me off once again.

"I don't care...you shouldn't have got in a fight with her." He snapped.

I rolled my eyes and walked towards the door.

"I have witnesses." I said .

"I heard what I heard now get out." He shouted.

I walked out and found my way to my English class.

The class had already started and I walked in. Everyone stared at me including the teacher.

I then cleared my throat and walked to an empty desk. And the only one available was in front of Harry. Great.

I sat down and put my bag on my chair.

The teacher continued with the lesson and Harry flicked a piece of paper on my desk.

I grabbed it and put it on his desk.

"Your supposed to read it." He whispered like I fell off the dumb truck yesterday.

"I'm not stupid...I just don't want to read the God damn note." I whisper shouted back.

He flicked it to me again and again until I would read it.

I finally opened it to read one simple word. "Sorry". Jeez real creative.

I crumbled the piece of paper back up and stuck it in my bag.

When the bell rang I got my stuff and headed out the door. Thatwas until the teacher called me.

I walked towards him and stood in front of his desk.

"Yes sir?" I asked.

"Hello Alex my name is Mr.M I will be your English teacher for the year and I will start assigning you work in four days, just so you can get the hang of things." He smiled.

"Thank you." I thanked him.

He smiled and I walked out of the classroom.

I met up with Zoe and started walking with her.

"What was that about?" She asked.

"He was just letting me know that I won't get work until next Tuesday." I said

"Wow am I jealous." She laughed and I smiled.

"I have math next." I said

"That would be with Hazza." She eyed me


"Harry." She answered

"Looks like you have all classes with him except one." she said looking at my schedule again.

"Great." I sighed in annoyance.

All classes with the one person I can't stand right now, and don't forget after school and at home.

This is going to be a tough year.
A/n: vote and Comment yay!

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