F4's First Performance

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Warning this story has Adult Themes with 18 + Content.

Timeskip Shinji and Saki's Home.

Shinji's POV.

I went home and saw Saki resting on the couch she must be really tired.

I approach her and hug her


Saki:oh darling your home.

Shinji:of course I am.

Saki:I've heard your friend Hideaki is gonna perform next week.

Shinji:yeah he is and his Unit F4.

Saki:say... haven't you and me do something tonight.

Shinji:what do you mean?

Saki:you know like...

Inner Shinji:Wait a minute....is she asking If she wants it me and her doing it!?...I can't refuse now because I remember what Hideaki said to me.

Hideaki: "Be a Man I know you can do it"

Inner Shinji:He's right I I need to be a man so I will give Saki what she wanted.

Saki:is there something wrong?

Shinji:umm nothing...say I already know what you wanna do tonight.

Saki:How did you know?

Shinji:well it doesn't affect my virginity if I lose it.

Saki:are you sure?

Saki was blushing really hard and I can tell she really is...well Dad told me when he was young him and mom did it together when they were in College.

Saki:ok if that so let's do it.


As of that I gave Saki what she wanted and started undressing her and making out with each other in my bedroom.

Timeskip Next Morning.

It was morning the next day and I noticed last night I had it with Saki. I see her sleeping with her naked body but she is covered with a blanket on. And the way I see it she looks beautiful when she is sleeping.

She wakes up opening her eyes.

Saki:oh good morning Shinji San.

Shinji:Good Morning Saki. You should get dressed we got school.

Saki: right but don't look at me ok?

She was blushing.

Shinji: alright I will go outside and wait for you.

Timeskip Seiho University.

The Next Morning Hideaki and Shingo came to me.


Shinji:Oh it's you.

Hideaki:you ok?

Shinji:Yeah I want to tell you something.


I whispered through his ears.

Hideaki:whoa really?

Shinji:you told me that I should be a man.

Shingo: how's the experience?

Shinji:Saki said it's fine to do what we did last night.

Hideaki:My man. High Five!

We high five together as we go to our class.

Timeskip Lunch Hours.

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