Hojo X Hiiro

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Timeskip Shinji and Saki's Home.

It was morning when the Tokyo Music Festival ended. I saw Saki still sleeping.

Shinji: Saki wake up....rise and shine.

Saki: Morning my darling champion.

Shinji: Why did you call me that?

Saki: Because you won right?

Shinji: Yeah right good thing I bury the hatchet with Peaky P-key last night. And we're friends now.

Saki: Yep. Say you have a School Festival this coming week right?

Shinji: Yeah we do. You and Photon Maiden can come and also Happy Around and Peaky P-key. By the way me and my unit talk to Kyoko last night.

Saki: and what is that.

Shinji: Because to our next song that were gonna play we need a support vocalist for Yuri that's why Kyoko agreed to sing together with Yuri and Momoi.

Saki: I see what's the title of you new song by the way.

Shinji: Plasmic Fire feat. Kyoko Yamate.

Saki: Oh cool me and my Unit Happy Around and Peaky P-key will watch you perform.

Shinji: Not only that Rika asked me that they need our support for their new Song Gamble Rumble feat. Z3TR0.

Saki: I see so Yuri will be singing together with Rika?

Shinji:yeah she is come on let's make breakfast.

Saki: Mmm...Sure.

Timeskip Seiho University.

Everyone is decorating their rooms for the School Festival together all of the College Seniors.

Shinji is helping Takashi to put the decorations on the door entrance.

Shinji: Careful man you'll fall.

Takashi: Yeah I know. There you go all done.

Shinji: Our work here is done how's the girls doing?

Takashi: don't know?

Tsubaki was putting more decorations on top.

Student A: Be careful Aoyagi San

Student B: You might fall from this ladder.

Tsubaki: I know what I'm.....!?

She accidentally missed her steps on the ladder as she is falling.

Tsubaki: Ahhh!

Hideaki: Gotcha!

Her eyes opened winded and it was Hideaki who catches her in bridal style when she fall from the ladder.

Hideaki: You alright?

Tsubaki then started to blush.

Tsubaki: Yeah I'm fine...thank you.

Hideaki: Be careful next time on your steps ok.

The female students were stunned seeing Hideaki saving Tsubaki after she fell from the ladder.

Female Students: ( "Were so jealous that Hideaki save Tsubaki from falling ❤️❤️❤️!")

On the other hand Yuri Marika Momoi and Saori are helping each other to put all the Haunted House Decorations for the School Festival.

Yuri: There you go.

Marika: is it done?

Yuri: Yeah how's Saori and Momoi doing?

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