Shinji's Story Past

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Timeskip Arisugawa Academy Monday.

The D4FES event has finally ended very well now back to the religious is where Shinji and Shingo is going to teach again.

Shingo: Remembered what his parents told him.


Mom:Shingo remember always be gentle.

Shingo:I am mom well I'm going now I don't want my students waiting for me.

Dad:Of course son you came to a wealthy family.

Shingo:Thanks dad.

Flashback End.

Shingo: Alright I have a schedule that I will be teaching your Students Shinji.

Shinji:Yeah I'm also gonna teach you students Also.

Shingo:well good luck with that.


Timeskip Class B.

Shingo: Hello Everyone! Class is about to begin.

Student A:It's him!

Student B:Yes! Our sensei is the Member of the DJ Unit named F4!

Haruna Kurumi Miiko were surprised that Shingo is going to teach them.

Shingo: Ok Let's get started. Good Tidings to you all!

Class:Good Tidings to you Sensei!

Shingo: Alright let's do some work sheets today who will help me?

Haruna:Me Sensei!

Shingo:Ok Haruna.

Shingo please hand these Worksheets to the whole class.

Haruna:Ok Sensei.

Shingo: Alright you got 1 hour class today.

Meanwhile in Class C Shinji is teaching Shingo's students Chika Sugimoto Mari Hikasa Mako Kanzaki and Hana Asahina the DJ unit named Pandora together with the students.

Shinji:when was the persian war in ancient greece? Chika Kun?

Chika: 492–449 bce

Shinji: Very Good Chika Kun.

Chika:Thank you Sensei!

Shinji:Ok...when did The French and Indian War started?...Hana?

Hana: 1754–1763

Shinji: Very Good Hana.

Hana:Thank you Sensei!

Back in Class B.

Shingo: Ok When Did the British Revolution started? Haruna?

Haruna: 1760 – 1840

Shingo: Very Good Haruna.

Haruna:Thank you Sensei!

Shingo: Alright....who wrote the american declaration of Independence? Kurumi?

Kurumi:... PSST... Miiko what's the answer?

Miiko:It's Thomas Jefferson.

Kurumi:It's Thomas Jefferson.

Shingo:Thank you Kurumi and Miiko.

Kurumi: Eh? noticed it Sensei?

Shingo:Yeah I did because I wouldn't be discreet about it.

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