A Rival Unit

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Touka: Shinji why did you do that!? Why did you say that unit name that's our secret!

Shinji: No need to hide secrets you sorry son of a b*tch. I know what Shano is planning forming a unit named "Call of Artemis" to take Z3TR0 down?

Shano then came out standing side with Touka.

Shano: Shinji how did you find out about this?

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Shano: Shinji how did you find out about this?

Shinji: Only in the social media my friend Yuri showed it to me.

Shano: How dare....

Shinji: Shut Up B#tch old lady.

She keeps quiet when she was called by that word.

Hojo: Call of Artemis or for short name C.o.A. right? Producer...I mean Shano. Seems my leader DJ Hyeok Joo wants a fair challenge proposal for you.

Hideaki: that's right.

Masaki: Shinji you know more of this?

Shinji: Yep back when I was in 1st year high school Shano Touka Mana and Airi were in 4th year high schoolers in Yoba Academy in their younger days and formed their unit name "Call of Artemis". That is where my career started as a DJ. What's wrong you two old hags can't lie because I said the truth? When I first met C.o.A. with Shano she is the one who taught me how to be a DJ including Touka until Shano and Touka screwed my career. Call of Artemis decided to disband. And Scarlet Canary decided to give their Fame and Popularity to me in order to get my career on top and I finally formed my Unit Z3TR0.

Touka: How dare Mana and Airi gave up their Fame to you!

Shinji: You want me to snitch your hair including Shano huh!?

Hideaki: Easy man you trippin again.

Shinji: Still remember the old days Mana and Airi are the ones who cared about my career and not you two.

Shinji didn't stop there at all when he told us the truth between LynxEyes and Scarlet Canary Collab as Call of Artemis.

Shinji: You two were the ones I trusted and now look what you did you both backstabbed me and destroy my DJing. Hideaki I'm fine with your Proposal facing Call of Artemis F4 is really interested challenging you with four members.

Masaki tucked out a lapis flower from his black jacket and throws it gently to Touka as she catches it.

Touka: Why did you give me this?

Masaki: It's more of a Proposal challenge from Flower Four or known as F4.

Shinji: You guys going home now?

Hideaki: Yeah see you "Call of Artemis" in our battle proposal let's go Tsu chan.

Tsubaki: Sure.

Timeskip Shinji and Saki's Home.

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