N.0.V.4. Vs Call of Artemis

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The Confrontation between Call of Artemis and N.0.V.4. are starting to heat up as intense after they met tonight.

Reiko: Let me tell you a back story between us you losers.

Touka: Who you calling losers huh!?

Momoko: Oh don't hide it kindly explain how this story goes Reiko?

Reiko: Of course.

Flashback 6 Years Ago Yoba Middle School girls Academy.

Shinji's Mother was very young that day when N.0.V.4. was formed. With the collaboration of two units AngelStar and PRISMA. The members are Reiko Yoshimura, Kyouka Tetsuya, Momoko Masuda, Mayu Miyake.

They were on the area outside the cafeteria talking.

Reiko: So got any plans for our next Performance?

Momoko: Hmmm I'm guessing something let's watch Call of Artemis performance.

Kyouka: Yeah good idea Momoko.

Mayu: Let's see if they got some nerves for us.

Reiko's unit N.0.V.4 went to the auditorium where they are watching Call of Artemis performing.

Kyouka: Look at those fools riddling on stage.

Reiko: Let's interrupt them after their performance.

After Call of Artemis performance is over they went backstage when N.0.V.A. approach them.

Mayu: Look at this wanna be DJ's Call of Artemis right Momoko chan?

Momoko: Yep they are.

Touka: What do you think you guys are doing here?

Reiko: As a matter a fact that's our question too.

Mayu: And the reason why Shano Himegami break up with Ku Kun because Ku Kun loves me more.

Shano: You have no right to say that he loves you Infront of me!

Reiko: Oh yeah? Look like Call of Artemis is still the same from before.

Shano: What do you mean Yoshimura?

Reiko: Im saying that Call of Artemis is all bark and no bite against us like a Dog Breed.

Suddenly Shano's emotions were triggered by Reiko's words and she was going to attack her. But then Airi Mana and Touka calm her down.

Mana: Shano stop! Not here!

Shano: Let me go I want to get her! She is mocking us and my relationship with Ku San!

Mayu: For the last time Ku Kun loves me unlike you who is just a lower rank as his candidate for a girlfriend.

Shano: Let me go I go get Mayu out! She is messing with me!

Airi: Shano enough! Please.....

She calmed down a little bit after being insulted by N.0.V.4.

Kyouka: Well see you later purple eye.

Kyouka mocked Shano again calling her that insult.

Reiko: Oh one last thing I hope that
N.0.V.4 can challenge Call of Artemis in a performance it's like more a proposal for the both of you.

Momoko: See you later Call of Artemis.

A few weeks passed there was a battle mix contest that happened between
N.0.V.4. and Call of Artemis it was about announce the winner.

Host: The winner is......N.0.V.4.!


After the contest ended then N.0.V.4. came on backstage.

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