Hideaki or Shingo Which one Tsubaki?

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Timeskip Yoshimura Residence.

Haruka's POV.

Haruka: Mom I'm going now!

Reiko: Enjoy your day at school!

Looks like the Sunset Stage is coming soon me and my Unit KnightKids are in the lead while Happy Around is 3rd Photon Maiden is 2nd and Peaky P-key us 4th they will collide together in a contest altogether including us to determine which one of us will face each other in the Finals in Sunset Stage.

Timeskip Seiho University.

Tsubaki's POV.

I am holding my books in my arms and my backpack on going to put my books in my locker. Suddenly when I opened it I see a red card on my locker and I was shocked about it.

Tsubaki: What!?

Hiiro: Tsubaki chan what is it?

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Hiiro: Tsubaki chan what is it?

Aoi: Who put that red card on your locker?

Tsubaki: Is this some kind of joke against me!?

I tried to think who did this in my locker and I realized that It might be Hideaki!? Just because he is being arrogant now doesn't mean he will make fun of me!?

Shinji: Hey what's going on?

Takashi: whoa! That's something I saw.

Momoi: A dying message?

Yuri: No Momoi it's a red card with a F4 on it.

Timeskip Seiho University Balcony.

Hideaki: You guys did it?

Hojo: Yep.

Masaki: It's already done. You have some arrogance against Tsubaki now.

Hideaki:It's my first time being arrogant against her. I will make fun of her if I want to.

Shingo was behind the door's balcony  heard the conversation between Hideaki Masaki and Hojo.

Inner Shingo: Wow I never expect this I will let it slide this time for Hideaki I will do it when it's the right time for Tsubaki.

Timeskip Yoba Middle School girls Academy.

KnightKids was having a little think who will face them at Sunset Stage as their in the lead in the charts in Yoba.

Haruka: 3 units will face off Happy Around Peaky P-key Photon Maiden including us.

Uesaka: Yep if we are facing Photon Maiden in the finals and I know The producer of Nebula will probably rigged the scores for cheating.

Hiyori: We need to find the producer's weakness so that she wouldn't rigged the scores against us and Photon Maiden.

Natsume: I just know the way!

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