KnightKids Opportunity

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Timeskip Yoba Middle School girls Academy.

Haruka's POV.

Me and my unit still thinking of a new song because we will face both DJ Units Happy Around Peaky P-key and Photon Maiden. And I'm guessing will be facing
Happy Around and Photon Maiden will be facing Peaky P-key. Natsume cancel the plan to scare the producer and I don't think Photon Maiden's Producer is going to rigged the scores against Peaky P-key because my Predictions are always right that's why I flipped a coin and it's all true.

Natsume: I see it's Positive that the Producer will rigged the scores if P-key faces Photon Maiden.

Uesaka: But how? Shinobu won't believe us if the face Photon Maiden.

Haruka: I know it's possible for us to face Photon Maiden on Sunset Stage.

Hiyori: Yeah but we are against Happy Around.

Natsume: I already created a song and It's Titled "Kimishinitamo Kotonakare" this song is for Sunset Stage if it's Possible that were facing Photon Maiden.

Uesaka: Great and Haruka?

Haruka: And this is the song we will use against Happy Around it's Titled "Sorairo Days" this is the second time we will face Happy Around again.

Hiyori: Yep it is.

Haruka: and also mix some music thanks to Onii San's help he can mix Rock Music in our Genre.

Uesaka: Shinji is really good.

Haruka: He is.

Timeskip Seiho University.

Shinji was in Computer Class listening to the Professor's discussion. Suddenly he raised hands and knows the answer.

Professor: Shinji.

Shinji: Slash Html.

Professor: Very good thank you Shinji.


It was lunch time already Z3TR0 is eating lunch together with Rondo Merm4id and F4.

Hideaki: Shinji I heard what happened yesterday.

Shinji: About what?

Shingo: That you and Takashi were Chased by a black van and nearly did a drive by shooting on you guys?

Shinji: Yeah and the culprit is your producer she sent a Hit to kill me.

Saori: Eh!? Why is that!?

Shinji: It's because she wants me to go back as DJ Eyez in Nebula because she thinks I'm her biggest trophy in the industry.

Dalhia: How dare she do that to you! If only I'm on your side I will definitely beat up all of her men out!

Shinji: Hey Dalhia I'm more worst in brawl fighting I have beaten many people in my days just because I'm strong.

Dalhia: Then you need me if someone tries to attack you again.

Shinji: Sure but I gotta do this on my own. Plus my sister is facing Happy Around while Peaky P-key is facing Photon Maiden.

Yuri: Oh yeah right there is a contest next week for Sunset Stage.

Shinji: Correct but Haruka said that the other students says they want to see KnightKids and Photon Maiden battle each other in Sunset Stage if there's a possible chance they win against Peaky P-key.

Nagisa: Yeah right.

Hideaki: Yeah but the important thing is you need to be careful later going home

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