Final Battle in D4FES F4 vs L.M.O. Z3TR0 vs Call of Artemis

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Timeskip 4 months.

Shinji's POV.

The day of the D4FES has come and everyone will witness the battle between F4 vs L.M.O. and Z3TR0 vs Call of Artemis.

Shinji: Guys this is it

Takashi: Yeah.

Momoi: It is.

Yuri: There's no turning back.

Shinji: Ryujin's unit is going up first before Hideaki's unit.

In F4's dressing room they are preparing for their battle against L.M.O.

Hideaki: This is it guys were gonna make this final against L.M.O. and I'm sure we're going to hit them hard on out new created 2 songs for the battle.

Shingo: Yep and I know they are waiting for it.

On Stage.

Host: Welcome everyone to D4FES!

Crowd: Yeaaaahhhhhhh!

Host: To Start things off We have a huge battle later on tonight!

Crowd: Yeaaaaaahhhhhh!

Host: Not only one but two battles together! The first one will be F4 vs L.M.O.! and the second battle will be Z3TR0 vs Call of Artemis!

Crowd: Yeaaaahhhhhhh!

Host: For now they are getting ready for the battle and let's have a music dance number with this amazing units!

Crowd: Yeaaaaaahhhhhh!

The Music dance number of all DJ Units started from Happy Around until Pandora.

After the Music Dance number ends it is now time for the battle between F4 vs L.M.O. and Z3TR0 vs Call of Artemis.

Host: Now it's time for the battle between F4 vs L.M.O.!

Crowd: Yeaaaaaahhhhhh!

Host: Lets first begin with L

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Host: Lets first begin with L.M.O.!


L.M.O. began performing Infront of the crowd.


After the performance of L.M.O. it's now F4's turn.

Host: Now let's go with their rival challengers F4!


Hideaki: Alright let's make this final for L.M.O.

Shingo/Masaki/Hojo: Hai!

Host: F4 will perform they're new songs against L.M.O. "Action Zero" and "Elements"!

Crowd: Yeaaaaaahhhhhh!

Action Zero By F4.

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