ART!! Miraculous Glamour Magic

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I had some people ask back in chapter 20, "IS HE DUMB?? HOW CAN ADRIEN NOT KNOW THEY'RE THE SAME PERSON, THEY HAVE THE SAME CUTS AND BRUISES???" So I thought I'd use the opportunity to compare just how powerful the glamours are and why it isn't so obvious.

The miraculous glamour magic will do stuff like make you think birthmarks or scars are on the wrong side, or just hide them altogether. (I don't know if it's the same in canon, but that's how it is in this AU. It's my party, so I make the rules!! 😆)

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Magic affects appearance and voice, plus the viewer's perception and memory

       Ladybug: "How are you feeling, Adrien? Are you sure you'll be alright?"

Actual appearance (Detransformed)

       Marinette: "D-don't worry about it! I'll be fine! I'm just glad you're okay..."


Thank you all for your lovely comments and reactions in the previous chapter!!! ❤️

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