Chapter 16: Legato (Part 3 of 3)

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(Mood music: Avalon Jazz Band - Que reste-t-il de nos amours?)

[Later that day]

Marinette squinted suspiciously.

Chat had been acting weird. Or rather, weird for him, which was saying something. He'd been in a somber mood ever since he came back that afternoon after her study session. What had happened during that brief time while they'd been separated?

Speaking of which, she recalled that poor Adrien had been acting out of sorts as well. She'd asked him if everything was alright, but his face went red and he waved it off, saying it was nothing, claiming that he was just a little tired. She hasn't pressed the issue, especially knowing that he had a difficult home life and busy schedule. She dearly hoped he'd come to her if he ever needed someone to talk to.

In any case, she'd been surprised to find Chat just as morose and out of sorts. She'd asked him what was wrong and he instantly dismissed it. Then he promptly excused himself to his bedroom, which was unusual. Normally he was chatty as can be during dinnertime, then he would hang out with the rest of the family during the evenings, playing videogames or board games, or engaging in conversation over some tea.

But tonight, he'd hardly spoken a word. He had only answered briefly when spoken to, and it was like he could barely look her in the eye. And whenever he did, she could've sworn she saw something like... guilt?

She wasn't sure. But she knew she didn't like it.

Something was wrong. She was sure of it. Perhaps he wasn't able to share what it was exactly due to his secret identity, but she was determined to help him fix it. She wanted to know the truth.

Tikki had lightly chastised her, saying that maybe Chat Noir had a good reason why he couldn't share his problems, and that she shouldn't pry or be too nosy. But this wasn't nosiness! They were friends! And not only that; it was her duty as Ladybug to look out for his well-being, right??

Speaking of Ladybug...

They had patrol scheduled for later that night. Should she ask him again, as Ladybug? She pondered it... but no; he'd probably act tough and pretend it was nothing again. They were still working on being more open with each other, but progress was slow. Though not for lack of trying. Chat just... didn't always know how to relax around Ladybug. He didn't verbalize it, but it was as if deep down, he was always bracing for imminent rejection. Almost like he expected everything to be a dream, and any day now he'd wake up back at his father's house, all alone.

Despite being allies, there were still many obstacles that stood in their way, as they both navigated through their partnership trying to find their unique dynamic, still somewhat guarded in their words and actions, to avoid hurting the other. There were invisible walls between them, and every time they'd succeeded in tearing one down, it was only to find that there was another wall behind it.

He'd mentioned before that he would never want to do anything to jeopardize their partnership. So he had a tendency to keep quiet about a lot of things, and not rock the boat, so to speak. He'd mentioned before that he trusted her implicitly. But it was like he didn't trust himself. Or trust his luck.

He tended to be more open with Marinette, most likely because he didn't feel that he had to watch what he said as closely for fear of rejection. Thankfully, he'd always been able to confide in her.

That is... until today.

She sighed.

Maybe he just needed an evening where he could be himself and be a normal person, as the guy behind the costume. But how to do that without revealing his identity?

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