Chapter 11: Cambiare (Part 1 of 3)

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Music glossary:

      A musical instruction indicating some kind of orchestral change, such as using a new instrument.


(Mood music:  Steven Universe - Love Like You (Piano cover))

Ladybug squirmed nervously on her own family room sofa, sitting face to face across from her very own parents. Her skin felt prickly and uncomfortable, and if she didn't know better, she would've suspected Tikki of lacing her suit with itching powder as a prank.

The aforementioned husband and wife were none the wiser about her substantial anxiety, for they were far too shocked (as well as star-struck) about the sudden appearance of Paris' beloved hero at their doorstep that morning. Their eyes were glued to her, following her hand as she raised a glass of orange juice to her mouth, as if it had never occurred to them that Ladybug would ever have to eat or drink. She would have found it hilarious if she wasn't so utterly terrified about asking them to let Chat stay at their house until he was fully healed.

She'd shown up at their house an hour before the bakery opened, claiming that she'd seen Chat Noir's signal on her communicator and had become worried; and that she was looking for him. They ushered her in and explained what had happened, and had quickly agreed when she asked them if they'd be willing to house him for a little while longer.

The superheroine took a long gulp to calm her nerves, then continued in her most professional voice, "Thank you for understanding. I'm ever so grateful that you're willing to help us in these difficult times. If I were able to take Chat Noir into my own home, I most definitely would. But as it stands, our identities remaining a secret, even from each other, is of utmost importance."

"Of course, Ladybug, we understand!" Sabine chirped emphatically. "We're happy to help! Especially after all you do every day for our city; it's the least we can do. Chat Noir is welcome to stay for as long as he'd like."

"Thank you for entrusting us with this information," Tom chimed in. "It's good to know that he's not under Hawkmoth's control anymore." He crossed his arms with a frown. "I just can't believe that evil man would try to kill his own ally!"

"You and I both," Ladybug replied, unable to conceal the sadness in her voice. "It seems Chat Noir was attempting to mediate peace between both sides; but as you can see, it backfired terribly." She added sadly, "If only I'd known, I could have fought alongside him against Hawkmoth."

The girl couldn't suppress the heavy sigh that escaped her lips. She'd always tried to maintain an assertive, optimistic air about her while in the company of other people. But these weren't just "other people"; they were her parents. Somehow, here, at this moment, with the people she was the most comfortable being vulnerable around, maintaining that composure was remarkably difficult. The emotional wounds were too fresh, the fear too overwhelming.

"Don't blame yourself, Ladybug," Sabine replied comfortingly, reaching forward and squeezing the hand on her lap. "You're doing the best you can, but you can't do everything. That's why we want to help however we can."

"Yes, you can count on us!" Tom exclaimed. "So, do you have a phone number or...? Is there a way for us to keep in touch with you?"

Ladybug brought out her yo-yo, opening it to show them her communicator. "Chat Noir and I can call each other from our weapons. They also serve as tracking devices between us. It's how I found you today; I can follow his signal when he's transformed."

"Tracking signal?" Tom asked curiously. "Couldn't you use it to find Hawkmoth?"

She shook her head. "It only works for miraculous holders who are allies. That's why it works between me and Chat now... and why Hawkmoth can't trace him anymore. He won't be able to find him here."

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