Chapter Thirty Five

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His voice was the first thing that I heard. His sweet, sweet voice that just melted my heart and made me want to cry and dance and laugh and kiss him. I really wanted to kiss him.

Laying in bed in my childhood home I realized something. I felt more at home in his voice than I did laying here. I wanted to be with him. And I think he wants to be with me too. What other reason could there be for putting this song on my phone. He must have written it for me.

My heart ached and I bled out the sound of his vocal cords. I was in love with this boy. And there is a chance that he's in love with me too.

A soft smile found its way onto my face making a seemingly permanent home. I kept listening. His song is my heartbeat.


I flew out of LAX the next day, my journal tucked inside of my purse and that goddamn smile still on my face. I listened to his song so many times that I had memorized every pause or break or high note. I had decided something very crucial to the next couple of months.

I will tell Alex.

I will hold my head high, march into his hotel room and kiss him.

I will do it. Because Alex can't say he doesn't love me back when my lips are pressed to his.

As soon as my plane landed I was a nervous wreck. My previous confidence had vanished and I was left with a nervous flock of butterflies having a party in my stomach.

The feeling worsened as I got to the entrance of our hotel. All I would have to do is go inside and see him. Just say "I love you".

I drug my heavy luggage behind me and fumbled, trying to get inside the elevator without looking like an idiot. Luckily some man lifted up my bag and set it beside me so I didn't have to keep struggling. I gave him a smile.

After the first few floors passed I felt like my chest was going to explode.

When we finally got to the top I was sweating like I had just quit cocaine cold turkey.

I was left alone in the elevator and when the doors finally opened, I wanted to get back in and fly back to California.

But I forced myself to drag my luggage out of the elevator and stopped in front of the door that Mark told me that Alex would be staying in.

I lifted my hand and knocked.




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