Chapter Thirty Six

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I lifted my hand and knocked.

A second later, shuffling was heard on the other side of the door.

"Spencer?" The doorway widened and there stood Alex, fresh out of the shower with a wide smile on his face. Before I knew what I was doing, I tackled him in the doorway with a hug. I had missed him.

"Hi kitten. Hi. How are you?" He patted my back in a soothing way and whispered those words of comfort to me.

I couldn't talk I just squeezed him tighter.

Finally he pried himself out of my death grip and smiled down at me. Like I was gold in a pile of dirt.

His eyes wrinkled from smiling but he kept both of his hands around my shoulders.

I love him.

"I love you"

The words were blurted out in an unstoppable manner. I couldn't control what I was saying at all. It was like someone else was controlling my body.

He froze, his brown eyes going from mine, then to my lips. Was I still talking? Why was he looking there?

Before I could register what this silly boy was doing to me, his lips were on mine. I was home.


He started slowly, like I would break if he put too much pressure on me. His lips glided over mine. They were so unfathomably soft.

My whole body was alive; all of my nerves standing at full attention.

Alex slowly pulled away, but kept his forehead pressed to mine. Both breathless, we smiled at each other. His teeth grazed over his wet bottom lips as he smiled the most seductive, panty wetting smile.

His mouth started to move then, saying the words that I've been waiting to hear.

"I love y-"

"Alex, baby. Who's at the door?"

My heart jumped into my throat. No.

Immediately I stepped back from Alex who looked dumbstruck and at a loss for words. He glanced between me and the origin of that voice as his face started to get more and more flushed.

Standing there in post-shower gleam, completely naked was Alex's ex girlfriend.



Hey guys I hope you all have a wonderful Easter weekend! Leave a comment telling me how you feel about what just went down. Even if you're absolutely enraged I still wanna hear it! :)

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