Chapter Seven

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 I woke up with something shifting under me. “Ryan...Stay still.” I ordered, snuggling into his chest again. He smells different... But he smells good.

“Ryannnn.” I groaned as he lifted me up. “First your kissing Jared, now your dreaming about Ryan? I sure underestimated you Spencer.”

I heard Alex’s voice and immediately my heartbeat sped up. He was holding me. His arms around me. Touching me. Suddenly I got all tingly and I felt my face heat up.

“What are you doing?” I asked, still hiding my face in his chest. I felt him laugh, then set me down on something. I opened my eyes.

He set me on my bunk, and stood back up, blocking his face from my view. “You fell asleep. The guys wanted to start drawling on your face. Go back to sleep.” He said reaching back down and ruffling my hair.Like a little kid.

Just a little kid. Probably what he thought of me.

Well Ill prove him. I'm not just a little kid. I stretched my legs out on the spacious bunk and felt myself getting tired again. I'll just have to step up my bad ass attitude. A lot. I closed my eyes and snuggled into my pillow.

How can I show Alex that I'm badass? I felt myself slowly drifting off to sleep. Well, its going to have to wait till tomorrow.


I felt someone poke my cheek, waking me up from my peaceful dreams. I opened my eyes to see Mark staring down at me. I jumped back, not expecting him to be right in my face. “What?...” I asked, covering my head with my blanket.

Mark laughed, then I noticed the bus was empty. “The boys are doing a sound check. I just wanted to let you know that you're next.”

Oh crap, I must have slept through the whole ride to the next venue. Mark smiled and started to walk away, but I grabbed his arm.

“Wait..” I mumbled trying to put together my incoherent thoughts. I sat up cross legged and rubbed my eyes, as Mark faced me again. “I was thinking that we could do some songs together, you know? I think the fans would like it.”

So would I... He smiled a toothy grin. “Actually, the boys just asked about that too, but I thought I would ask you first.

You know, In case you had a problem with being on stage with Alex...” I stared at him, confused. What the hell was he talking about? He smirked at me and flicked my nose.

“Don't play dumb. I see how you get all speechless when hes around.”

I felt my face burn red with embarrassment. Of course Mark saw how I acted around Alex. Everyone else probably did too.

God, I make myself look so idiotic around him. I sighed and smirked back at Mark. “Like I can help it, That boy is fine!” He rolled his eyes and nodded, patting the wood frame of the bunk and turning back down the hallway.

I pulled myself out of bed and opened one of the suitcases in the middle of the hallway. I don't whoes it was, But it was definitely one of the boys. I grabbed a blue and white striped shirt that was thrown in there and closed it, opening mine.

I grabbed a pair of high waisted red shorts and navy blue wedges to match the shirt. Since I was the only one on the bus, I stripped out of my clothes and put the new ones on.

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