Chapter Twenty Seven

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I couldn't resisit writing about my favorite ginger haired boy. So if you guys don't know who Ed Sheeran is, you need to look him up and listen to his music! He's a genius. 


After getting my bags packed and getting to the airport I was ready to be home for a few days. Yeah, Being away from Alex was kind of going to kill me and my super romantic fangirl side, but it would be nice to see Avery.

Actually it would be great to see my best friend again. I walked into the airport trying to blend in and not feel so suspicious.

It was kind of hard not to though considering I was toting a big pink suitcase. I stopped and sat down before someone recognized me.

Luckily I took one of the boys beanies before I left that was sitting in my hotel room.

I pulled it out of my purse and onto my head, also putting on a pair of shades. Now was not the time for some ignorant paps to stand in the way of my best friend.

I almost dozed off if it wasn't for the announcing of my plane.

Luckily Mark got first class tickets, so I could just sleep the whole way to California. I threw my bag over my shoulder and made my way to the terminal.

I only brought a small bag so it could just be tagged as a carry on. After I got onto the plane and settled down into my seat, I started to feel my eyes tear up.

I hated that I couldn't be as close to Avery as we were before. I feel like this tour is really testing our friendship. I put my head on the back of the plane seat and closed my eyes.

If Avery actually meant what she said in her text, then I could only hope that it wasn't true. For her sake.

“I don't mean to scare you, but your bag is in my seat.” I jumped slightly when I heard a very British and very manly voice.

Oh my god. It couldn't be... My eyes flew open, just as I recognized the voice. The voice that I had listened to hour after hour. Song after song.

“Ed Sheeran?” When I looked over it was just as I had though. Messy ginger hair and bright blue eyes, accompanied by his signature hoodie. He smiled, obviously recognizing me too. “No way! Holy crap! Hi!”

I heard myself say those things even before I comprehended them in my mind. “Hello. You're Spencer, right? It's nice to meet you.” He reached out his hand and I shook it with enthusiasm.

Maybe even a little too much enthusiasm.

He laughed and sat down as I moved my bag to under my feet. “Crazy chances that I would get a seat next to such a pretty girl.

Usually I get stuck by some guy who ends up falling asleep on me.” He didn't seem like he was flirting with me, which wouldn't have been the most terrible thing in the world, but more of a joking way.

His cheeks turned red and I realized that I was just smiling and staring at him, not saying anything.

“Sorry, I'm just kind of fangirling right now. Trying to control myself.” I smirked, trying to joke and make it less weird.

He smiled. “I get that a lot.” The flight attendant did her usual speech, and I looked out of the window, seeing the beautiful New York sky. It was a lot more different than the one back home in California.

The sky was brighter in California, but there were many more clouds in New York.

“Ever been to London?” I turned to Ed and shook my head. “No, but I really want to go.” He raised his eyebrows.

“To London? Where it rains all day?” I nodded. “Why not? Rain is a beautiful thing.” He shrugged and smiled.

I looked back out the window. We were in the air now, and the whole ground was getting smaller and smaller. I fidgeted with the phone in my pocket.

I wanted to text Alex. I wanted to ask him how recording was. I wanted him to call me and tell me that those lyrics were about me.

But he wouldn't. One, because I was on an airplane, and two, because they weren't about me.

“Do you have someone you need to call?” Ed joked, making me look back over at him and take my hand off of my phone. I sighed and couldn't help but frown. “No....”

“Is it Alex?” My eyes widened. How could he know about Alex? “You know Alex?” He shook his head but kept that knowing smile on his lips.

“I read magazines. You guys are always on the covers.” I could feel myself starting to blush. I tried to ignore magazines by never reading them, but maybe I should start!

“Well that’s a little embarrassing.” He laughed and shook his head, a smile on his lips. “Don't be embarrassed. I think you two make a cute couple.”

I raised my eyebrows.

“We aren't a couple.” He stared at me with a knowing look on his face.

“But you want to be.”

I felt my face get hot. How did he know this much about me? Is he trying to make me confess my love for Alex?

“Um. I- Uh. I don't know.” I looked out of the window so he couldn't see my red face. Crap. Would Ed tell anyone about Alex? I felt him nudge me on the shoulder.

“It's okay if you like him. Does he know that?” I just stared at him with wide eyes. “No. And he is never going to.”

He jumped back in his seat, a funny look on his face. “Why wouldn't you tell him?” My face felt hot. I was extremely nervous talking to anyone about Alex, and Ed was almost a total stranger.

“Because I don't think he feels the same way. It would be embarrassing if I told him and he was freaked out or something.”

Ed just had a small smile on his lips and shook his head as if he knew something I didn't. “Do you watch Goodbye Celebration interviews?”

I shook my head, not sure where this was going. “I try not go on the internet.” He laughed at that and pulled out his phone until he must have remembered that phones can't be used properly on a plane. He sighed and faced me again, his orange hair going everywhere.

“I watched some of their older ones when I first heard about them. You should really just take a look when we land.” He was being sort of weird, like he was hinting at something.

If he needed to tell me something he should have just spit it out. I nodded slowly, still not getting what he was telling me.

“You're quite a strange boy, Ed Sheeran.” He just smiled and shook his head. “But thank you for your vague guy advice.”


Next Chapter you'll meet Greg and find out whats wrong with Avery! 

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