Chapter Six

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“Oh god. I am NEVER drinking again!” Alex fell back onto my bed beside me making my stupid heart speed up. I can't even be close to him without hyperventilating. I casually sipped my latte, crossing my legs beside him.

That should teach them. They drank all night and were doing the most idiotic things. I refused to drink, but stayed and watched them make fools of themselves anyway. It was quite amusing.

I smiled, as he stared up at the ceiling. Coffee helps hangovers right? I stared at the cup in my hand then handed it out to him. It took him a minute to realize that I was handing it to him, then he shifted on the bed, leaning up on his elbows.

He gratefully grabbed the cup and smiled up at me, his beautiful eyes locking into mine. “I love you so much right now.” Even though he said it in a teasing way, and he was just talking about coffee, those words still made my heart flutter.

I watched as he sipped the coffee. There's something else he could be doing with those lips... EW! Snap out of it Spence! “Dieu m'aide.” I muttered down at my lap. He didn't catch it, probably focused on his coffee. I'm glad he didn't though, it would be to embarrassing.


“If I could write you a song to make you fall in love I would already have you up under my arm..” I sang along to my ipod as I walked down the deserted hallway, my new heels clicking against the tiled floor.

The first concert of our tour starts in ten minutes and I'm extremely excited. My stylist dressed me in black super tight skinny jeans and white stilettos with a white lace shirt that flows down my torso.

Its going to be super hot tonight but oh well. I turned into another hallway that Mark told me the guys were in. They should all be in one dressing room... I saw their door, which was surrounded by security.

Of course. They smiled at me as I walked past them and into their dressing room. I faintly heard music, which was expected.

All eyes snapped up to me when I walked in. “Hey.” I gave a small wave while only Mark and Ryan were really paying attention to me.

My eyes wandered over to Alex, who looked hot like always. His light brown hair was slightly messed up making him look like he just got out of bed. He was wearing dark red skinny jeans and a gray tee shirt, while the others had similar outfits. Alex and Jared were messing around on their guitars, playing bits of their songs.

Jared started playing a slow song as Alex got up and walked to me. I was almost as tall as him in my heels. Ha, finally. He smiled as his eyes twinkled and reached out his hand. “Would you like to dance, my fair lady?”

He asked in a suave voice, pretending to tip an invisible hat. I laughed quietly and put my hand in his. “Oh Alexander! I though you would never ask!” He smirked and pulled me into his chest as he started singing 'I'll Be' By Edwin McCain.

“The strands in your eyes that color them wonderful...” I could feel his chest vibrating as we swayed to his singing. He took my hand and spun me around, laughing the whole time.

“Okay, lovebirds. We have a concert to do.” I back away from Alex, reluctantly letting him go. My hands felt empty, and cold. I frowned at Mark. I have A feeling I know what hes trying to do. The guys all stood behind me, waiting to be let out of the door.

“Okay guys, good luck.” Mark held his hand out and we did our other super cool/ pathetically nerdy handshake. I laughed as he looked totally excited. I heard Alex mutter something behind me.

“Damn, we need a handshake.”


We all ran off the stage sweating and panting. The adrenalin helps though. “That was fucking awesome!” Jared said in a singsong voice. I reached down and took off my heels, almost falling in the process.

I turned to Jared who was dancing around from the energy. “You seem to have a lot of lady fans.” I winked at him, making him nod. “I have more than Alex and Ryan combined.” I let out a laugh as Alex gave him a weird look. A sexy weird look.

“I bet you do.” I said slightly sarcastically. It was the first concert of the tour, and I couldn't have been more happy with it.

Although, I wouldn't have minded playing some songs with the boys. We weren't even on stage together which was kind of a bummer. Thats something I'll have to talk to management about. We walked back to the bus and I collapsed on the couch.

“Oh my god I can't feel my legs!” I sighed as I lied down on the couch, my head resting in Ryan’s lap. Jared lifted my legs up and sat beside me, with my legs on his lap. I smacked his arm to get his attention and his head snapped over to me. “Rub my legs?”

He got an evil smirk on his face. Oh god, hes going to want some kind of sexual exchange... “What do I get?” He asked with a smirk on his face. “What do you want?”

I gave him a smirk back, which made him smile even bigger. Alex then entered the room with some teenage girls, probably the ones who bought the extremely expensive meet and greet tickets. I felt a pang of jealousy but brushed it off as they giggled at him and fawned over his excessive good looks. Pssht, I do that anyway.

Alex was showing them around the bus and was probably going to introduce them to us after. Tearing my eyes away from that sexy man, I looked back at Jared. He still had that same devious smile. “Kiss me.”

No one was watching, or listening for that matter, so why not. It's just a kiss. A harmless little kiss. I smiled and put my hand on the back of his warm neck. I cringed as my hand got wet from his sweat. Ewe.

I lifted my head up using the muscles in my stomach and pressed my lips against his. He didn't respond, just kind of sat there. I think he was too shocked to actually respond. He didn't move his lips, or pull away.

Just kind of parted his lips as a response from the kiss. I pulled away as the sound of something dropping filled the bus. We both snapped our heads in the direction of Alex, and his little followers.

He was picking up a camera in the hallway that he must have dropped, repeatedly saying he was sorry. His body was more tense than before, even though he wasn't facing me.

I saw his beautiful face glance in my direction, but he didn't make eye contact. I sighed and looked back at Jareds shocked expression. “I didn't think you would actually do that.” I smirked and stretched my legs on his lap. “Get rubbing.”


“What shampoo do you use?!” I sighed and closed my eyes. These girls were super obsessive. Especially with Alex. It annoys me. After I kissed Jared, Alex introduced us to them, managing to not make eye contact with me for a second.

I guess we were just taking turns at bringing people backstage. Jared kept rubbing my legs, after half an hour. I freaking love this kid. I felt Ryan play with my hair, tugging it then smoothing it down. It was actually really soothing.

Jared rubbing my legs and Ryan playing with my hair. I closed my eyes and turned my face into Ryans chest. I felt his stomach vibrate as he chuckled, but I didn't move my face. Slowly I fell into a deep dark sleep.  

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