Chapter Fourteen

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“Ohhhohohoh you called me up again tonight. But this time, I'm telling you, I'm telling you. We are never ever ever getting back together!”

The loud bass pumped through the plush carpet of my empty hotel room as the darkness crept through the windows.

It was almost midnight, but The tour bus got here early so we had a night to kill. Or in my case, just sleep. The boys were probably going out to party, but I definitely wasn't allowed to drink.

So I'm stuck here, but that's okay. I would rather be here than get a crazy hangover and not be able to talk above a whisper.

I'm not sure if music was allowed to be played this crazy loud, but nobody has complained...yet. I spun around, shaking my butt and flipping my hair out, singing along to the Taylor Swift song.

I faced the door to be greeted by a loud knock, echoing off of the thick wood. After running over to my speakers and turning the volume down, I ran back over to the door and flung it open.

There stood a totally hott looking Alex, with wet hair and baggy green sleep pants. He gave me a small smile as his eyes flickered down to my very inappropriate attire, back up to my red face. By inappropriate, I mean booty shorts and a black tank top.

I blushed even harder as I snapped out of my flusteredness. “Yes?” I said, raising my eyebrows and trying to cool my face.

His smile turned into a smirk as he looked me over again. “Nice jammies, are you expecting someone?” I rolled my eyes and turned around as he followed me into my hotel room.

“Well I was hoping Jared would come over so he could show me some of those dance moves he was talking about...” He snorted and sat on my bed, leaning back and putting his arms over his head.

“I've seen his dance moves. Trust me their not that great.” Did he maybe sound a little...Jealous? Nah..

“Oh really? I bet yours are sooo much better.” He smiled and grabbed my hand, pulling me down on the bed with him.

I landed so that our shoulders were touching, and my bare leg was slightly on top of his. Oh god, oh god. Don't think about him. Don't think about him.

Good thing girls don't get boners, or I would totally be in trouble right now. 

How the hell could I not think about Alex Kenton when we're in a hotel room together in a bed, for gods sake!

“I'm sooooo much better.” he whispered, his voice sounding deeper than ever. And closer....

I could hear him breathing in the foot of space between us. I turned my head to look at him. Surprisingly his big brown eyes were staring right back at me. So...Intense. He licked his lips, his eyes never leaving mine.

Wait, didn't I read somewhere that guys lick their lips when they want to kiss you? Was that in Seventeen or Teen Vogue?

Seventeen isn't as reliable as Teen Vogue... Should I kiss him? Maybe if I just lean forward he'll do the rest. Should I close my eyes, or just go in for it? Oh! I know what I could do.

My eyes flickered down to his lips for a second before coming back to his beautiful eyes. He must have got the message, because his smirk grew wider, showing off his straight white teeth. He started leaning in and I took that as my cue to close my eyes.



Shouldn't he be kissing me right about now?

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