Chapter Thirty

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"Pixie cut." I stared at Avery, not believing what I was hearing. She looked at the stylist and smiled a very confident and pretty smile. "Cut it all off. I want a pixie cut."  I could literally feel my jaw dropping as she looked at me.

"You said have fun, and that's what I'm doing." I smiled and nodded slowly. At least the stubborn and impulsive Avery was still there. "Alright. Emma Watson or Miley Cyrus?" I winked at her and she smiled a very real smile. "Emma Watson."

The stylist clapped her well manicured hands together and picked up the scissors. "Okay then, Emma Watson it is." She looked down at me. "Are you gettin g a pixie too?" My hand instinctively grabbed the ends of my long hair. "No. No thanks. Maybe just a trim."

It would take years to grow this lion mane out..

I watched as layer after layer of Avery was cut away and swept across the salon floor. Eventually one layer was left, and that layer was a smiling dimpled girl with a nervous smile on her face and a wild look in her eyes.

"Ave, you look gorgeous." The stylist flipped out Avery's hair making sure that every piece was in place. She looked different that was for sure. Her eyes found mine and searched my face for any sign of emotion. "You really think?" I nodded, and broke out into a full on grin. "Of course. You are definitely the only girl I know that can rock a pixie cut like that."

I had said the right thing obviously, and her cheeks slowly turned pink with the smile that was forming.

The cape was taken off of Avery and she brushed her shoulders off, before they both gave me expectant looks.


Avery grinned like she had a secret. “What about your hair?”


“It would look good with some color..”

“Baby hot pink ends are all the fashion now.”

The stylist winked at me and I shut my eyes. I can already feel a tension headache coming on.

“Okay.” I muttered quickly, just deciding to not chicken out for once in my life.

“Okay?” Avery said with disbelief.

“This isn’t The Fault in our Stars Ave, I’m just getting a haircut.” If my eyes weren't closed I would have bet one hundred dollars that she rolled her eyes. “Just do it before I change my mind.”

My hair was soon being brushed out into a frizzy mess as she prepared herself to add some color to my hair. Maybe I should figure out a way to spice up my life too.



“I can’t believe that we did that.” I exhaled as we walked through her front door. We were both rocking new do’s and Avery was making progress with her smile. It was shining through sometimes.

I threw myself onto her bed and grabbed the bag full of tests. “We need to talk now Ave.” She sat down timidly on the edge of the bed and wrapped her arms around her thin legs. “I know. I need to explain I guess.” She sighed and looked me dead in the eyes.

“When you went on tour I was alone, because you’re my best friend Spencer. You went on tour to have fun and hang out with cool guys, and I was stuck here working double shifts at the cinema just to keep me busy on Saturday nights. Its not your fault, trust me I’m not blaming you. I guess I’m just trying to explain to you how I feel. I was lonely and depressed, and I made a mistake.” She sighed and took a long drag of breath, struggling to keep the tears inside.

“You know Clint, the guy who we used to go to highschool with? He was on the football team i think..Or maybe not. Anyway he works there too. And one night when I was feeling really sad and lonely he gave me a ride home,and I invited him inside… and we..I…”

By this time she was crying so hard she couldn’t end her sentence so I ushered her into my arms and held her like a toddler as she cried it out. “You don’t have to say it Avery. I know, okay? listen to me. If you are… pregnant… then we will figure it out okay. I just want you to know that you have my support 100% and even if I have to quit the tour and my music career I will do it for you, do you understand? You are more important than any show I will play in my whole life. I’m your friend. I will always be your friend no matter how many fertilized eggs may or may not be growing in your uterus right now.”

Avery lifted her head from my chest. “I think I’m ready to take the test.”


“Can’t you pee faster?”

“Have you ever seen me pee fast? I have a nervous bladder.”

“Tell your bladder to stop having stage fright right now, were in a crisis.”

“Okay I feel it coming.”

I stood outside of her bathroom door with one ear pressed to the doorframe and one hand on the knob ready to bust in when she was done. After a minute or so of silence she yelled a “okay I’m done” making me open the door immediately.

“How long do we wait?” She gave me a bewildered look and slightly shook her head. “I don’t know, were there instructions?”

I rolled my eyes and gave my forehead a slap. “Avery…” She laughed and shook her head. “I’m just kidding, I know how long.” We both crowded around the white stick and waited.

“I don’t know how people do this, my nerves are wrecked right now.” I nodded and kept my eyes on the stick, just waiting for it to change. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.

Suddenly something vibrated in my pocket, and I broke eye contact with the stick to look at my phone.

It was a text from Alex, but I didn’t even open it before I heard a scream. “Spencer! Holy shit…”

We both looked at the stick.

Well, damn.

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