Chapter 46

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Okay running would be an exaggeration. I did run out of my hotel room but once i hit the street I felt awkward and out of breath so I walked towards the lake I saw earlier during my run. I still had rehearsal at 3:00 so I resisted the urge to run out of this town. I sat down on a rock that was on the shoreline.

My heart was pounding out of my chest but I tried to ignore it. Even though Alex finally confessed his love for me there was still the fact that he told Nina about my dad and my past. I could never forgive him for that, even though it slipped my mind after he told me he loved me.

He could ruin my career, Nina could ruin my career. I could be done after this tour.

I dipped a finger into the lake and watched the water ripple. I had always thought that this was the life I wanted.

Maybe I was wrong.

My phone snapped me out of my trance. I pulled the vibrating Iphone from my pocket to see a number I didn't recognize.

I tapped accept.



On the other end of the phone was a voice that I didn't recognize. It was soft and motherly and sounded strained.

"I'm sorry who is this?"

There was silence and then she spoke again.

"We- we never met. I'm Shelby. I married your father."

As if this day could not get crazy enough I was talking to the lady who gave my father his new, better family.

"What do you want?"

My words came out harsher than expected slightly because she caught me so off guard.

"I need to talk to you about your dad." I could feel the blood drain out of my face. Did he hurt them? Did he leave again?

"What did he do?"

I heard her sniffle on the other end of the line. I was drowning in confusion.

"Did he hit you?"

The phone went silent. I remembered how many times my own mother would call me crying because he hit her or threatened her.

"No, Spencer. He didn't hit me"

"What is going on?"

I watched a bird swoop down and put its face into the water looking for food. How easy would it be to just be a bird and be able to fly away.

"He called you a while ago to tell you something, Spencer. He had cancer."


Both ends of the phone were silent aside from my breathing.

"He died last night Spencer."

The bird lifted its head up and started flapping its wings, flying away from the lake.

Flying away from me.   

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